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IBlogPictureExtensibility.PublishPicture Method

Office Developer Reference

Used to post a picture object to its final destination in a blog.


expression.PublishPicture(Account, ParentWindow, Document, userName, Password, Image, PictureURI)

expression   An expression that returns a IBlogPictureExtensibility object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Account Required String Represents the GUID of the account registry key. Blog account settings are stored in the registry at \\HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common\Blog\Account.
ParentWindow Required Long Contains the HWND for the window Microsoft Office Word is calling from.
Document Required Object The current document.
userName Required String Represents the username stored in the registry account settings.
Password Required String Represents user's password stored in the registry account settings.
Image Required Unknown Represents the name of the image file.
PictureURI Required String The URI of the picture.


This method is called during xHTML generation and hands off a .PNG representation of the picture. The location where it was published is then returned which is then added to an IMG tag in the xHTML output.

See Also