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Windows Media Player 11 SDK SLIDER.foregroundColor 

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The foregroundColor attribute specifies or retrieves the foreground color of the slider control.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String containing any Microsoft Internet Explorer color value. The default value is "white".


A basic slider control can be constructed by specifying one of two pairs of attributes: the backgroundColor and foregroundColor, or the backgroundImage and foregroundImage.

When you construct a slider control using the color attributes, the dimensions of the slider control define the area filled by the background color. The foreground color covers the background color as the slider position increases.

To make a gradient fill in the area occupied by the background or foreground color, specify the backgroundEndColor or foregroundEndColor attributes.


See the CUSTOMSLIDER**.positionImage** attribute for a sample illustrating how the attributes of the SLIDER element are used.


Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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