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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Reading Attribute Values from a CD or DVD 

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Reading Attribute Values from a CD or DVD

Throughout this topic, the Player object was defined in the following manner:

AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer Player;
using WMPLib;

The following C# example code retrieves the values of all attributes in the current disc that is in the drive and writes them to a file.

private void logDiscAttributes()
    int iCDCount = 0; // Count of CD and DVD drives
    int iAttrCount = 0; // Attribute count.
    int iPLCount = 0; // Playlist item count.

    IWMPCdromCollection cdCollection;
    IWMPPlaylist playlist;
    IWMPMedia media;
    string strAttribName = "";
    string strAttribValue = "";
    string strText = "";

    // Create a StreamWriter object to write
    // the output to a file.
    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strOutFile, true);

    cdCollection = Player.cdromCollection;
    iCDCount = cdCollection.count;

    // Loop through the CD and DVD drives.
    for (int i = 0; i < iCDCount; i++)
        playlist = cdCollection.Item(i).Playlist;

        // Loop through the playlist attributes.
        iAttrCount = playlist.attributeCount;
        for (int j = 0; j < iAttrCount; j++)
            strText += "Playlist Attribute: \t";
            strAttribName = playlist.get_attributeName(j);
            strText += "\t" + strAttribName + "\t";
            strAttribValue = playlist.getItemInfo(strAttribName);
            strText += strAttribValue + "\n";

        // Loop through the playlist.
        iPLCount = playlist.count;
        for (int k = 0; k < iPLCount; k++)
            media = playlist.get_Item(k);

            // Loop through the media attributes.
            iAttrCount = media.attributeCount;
            for (int m = 0; m < iAttrCount; m++)
                strText += "Track or Chapter [" + m.ToString() + "]";
                strAttribName = media.getAttributeName(m);
                strText += "\t" + strAttribName + "\t";
                strText += "Read Only: " + media.isReadOnlyItem(strAttribName) + "\t";
                strAttribValue = media.getItemInfo(strAttribName);
                strText += strAttribValue + "\n";


    MessageBox.Show(strOutFile + " created");

See Also

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