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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPPlayerApplication Interface 

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IWMPPlayerApplication Interface

The IWMPPlayerApplication interface provides methods for switching between a remoted Windows Media Player control and the full mode of the Player. These methods can only be used with C++ programs that embed the control in remote mode.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMPPlayerApplication interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_hasDisplay Retrieves a value indicating whether video can display through the remoted Windows Media Player control.
get_playerDocked Retrieves a value indicating whether Windows Media Player is in a docked state.
switchToControl Switches a remoted Windows Media Player control to the docked state.
switchToPlayerApplication Switches a remoted Windows Media Player control to the full mode of the Player..

Retrieve a pointer to an IWMPPlayerApplication interface with the following method.

Interface Method
IWMPPlayer4 get_playerApplication.

See Also

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