Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPContentPartner::GetItemInfo 

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Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The GetItemInfo method retrieves an a URL, a caption, or a description from the online store.


  HRESULT GetItemInfo(
  BSTR  bstrInfoName,
  VARIANT*  pContext,
  VARIANT*  pData



[in]  BSTR specifying the name of the attribute to be retrieved. See Remarks for possible values.


[in]  Pointer to a VARIANT that supplies contextual information for the requested data.


[out]  Address of a VARIANT that receives the value.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


The following table provides information about the attributes that can be specified in the bstrInfoName parameter.

Attribute name Context Data Description
AlbumArt VT_UI4 containing the album ID from the online store catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the image file for the album. Retrieves the URL of an image file for the specified album.
ALTLoginURL VT_EMPTY VT_BSTR containing the URL of the Web page. Retrieves the URL of a Web page to display for the alternative login.
ALTLoginCaption VT_EMPTY VT_BSTR containing the caption. Retrieves the caption to use for the alternative login.
ArtistArt VT_UI4 containing the artist ID from the online store catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the image file for the artist. Retrieves the URL of an image file for the specified artist.
AuthenticationSuccessURL VT_I4 containing the index of an authentication success URL. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the Web page. Retrieves the URL of a Web page to display after a successful authentication.
CPErrorDescription VT_ERROR containing an HRESULT error code that the plug-in previously supplied to the Player. For example, the plug-in supplies an HRESULT when it calls BuyComplete. VT_BSTR containing the error description. Retrieves the description of the specified error.
CPErrorURL VT_ERROR containing an error code that the plug-in previously supplied to the Player. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the Web page to display. Retrieves the URL of the Web page to display when the user clicks the error-resolving link. The error-resolving link is displayed in a dialog box created by the Player.
CPErrorURLLinkText VT_ERROR containing an error code that the plug-in previously supplied to the Player. VT_BSTR containing the link text. Retrieves the text to be used for the error-resolving link.
CPListIDIcon VT_UI4, containing the list ID from the catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the list icon art. Retrieves the URL of the icon for the specified list.
CreateAccount VT_EMPTY VT_BSTR containing the URL to display in the Service task pane. Retrieves the URL of a Web page to display to enable the user to manage an account.
ForgotPassword VT_EMPTY VT_BSTR containing the URL to display in the Service task pane. Retrieves the URL of a Web page to display when the user has forgotten his or her password.
GenreArt VT_UI4 containing the genre ID from the online store catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the image file for the genre. Retrieves the URL of an image file for the specified genre.
HTMLViewURL VT_BSTR containing a string specified in an ASX file. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the HTMLView Web page. Retrieves the URL of an HTMLView Web page to display.
ListArt VT_UI4 containing the list ID from the online store catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the image file for the list. Retrieves the URL of an image file for the specified list.
LoginFailureURL VT_UI4 containing the index of an authentication failure URL. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the Web page. Retrieves the URL of a Web page to display after a failed authentication attempt.
Popup VT_I4 containing the index of a popup. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the Web page. Retrieves the URL of a Web page to display in an HTML-based dialog box.
PopupCaption VT_I4 containing the index of a popup. VT_BSTR containing the caption for the HTML-based dialog box. Retrieves the caption for the HTML-based dialog box that hosts the popup.
RadioArt VT_UI4 containing the radio ID from the online store catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the image file for the radio stream. Retrieves the URL of an image file for the specified radio stream.
SubGenreArt VT_UI4 containing the subgenre ID from the online store catalog. VT_BSTR containing the URL of the image file of the subgenre. Retrieves the URL of an image file for the specified subgenre.


Version: Windows Media Player 11

Header: contentpartner.h

See Also

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