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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Changing Synchronization Priority 

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Changing Synchronization Priority

The following example code specifies a priority value for each item in the ListView control identified by IDC_PLVIEW. Items that are marked with a check mark are assigned a priority value based on their order in the list. Items that are not checked are assigned a priority value of zero.

void CSyncSettings::SetPriorities()
    long lCount = 0;
    CComBSTR bstrAttribute(g_szSyncAttributeNames[m_lCurrentPSIndex]); 
    long lPriorityCount = 0; // Tracks the next priority value to be assigned.
    long lNewPriority = 0; // Contains the new priority value for the playlist.

    HRESULT hr = m_spPlaylist->get_count(&lCount);

    if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && lCount > 0)
        HCURSOR hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT);
        HCURSOR hCursorOld = SetCursor(hCursor);

        // Walk the list.
        for(long i = 0; i < lCount; i++)
            CComPtr<IWMPMedia> spMedia;
            BOOL bChecked = ListView_GetCheckState(m_hPlView, i);

            if(TRUE == bChecked)
                // Assign a priority value.
                lNewPriority = ++lPriorityCount;
                // Not a sync playlist.
                lNewPriority = 0;

            // Set the attribute on the playlist.
            hr = m_spPlaylist->get_item(i, &spMedia);

                WCHAR buffer[30];
                _ltow(lNewPriority, buffer, 10);
                CComBSTR bstrPriority(buffer);
                hr = spMedia->setItemInfo(bstrAttribute, bstrPriority);

See Also

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