SnmpCreatePdu function (winsnmp.h)

[SNMP is available for use in the operating systems specified in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use Windows Remote Management, which is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Man.]

The WinSNMP SnmpCreatePdu function creates and initializes an SNMP protocol data unit (PDU).


  [in] HSNMP_SESSION session,
  [in] smiINT        PDU_type,
  [in] smiINT32      request_id,
  [in] smiINT        error_status,
  [in] smiINT        error_index,
  [in] HSNMP_VBL     varbindlist


[in] session

Handle to the WinSNMP session.

[in] PDU_type

Specifies a PDU type that identifies the SNMP operation. This parameter can be NULL, or it can be one of the following values. If this parameter is NULL, the Microsoft WinSNMP implementation supplies the default PDU type SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT. The only type of trap PDU you can create with a call to the SnmpCreatePdu function is an SNMPv2C trap PDU.

Value Meaning
Search and retrieve a value from a specified SNMP variable.
Search and retrieve the value of an SNMP variable without knowing the exact name of the variable.
Reply to an SNMP_PDU_GET or an SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT request.
Store a value in a specified SNMP variable.
Search and retrieve multiple values with a single request.
Alerts the management system to an event under SNMPv2C.

[in] request_id

Specifies a unique numeric value that the WinSNMP application supplies to identify the PDU. If this parameter is NULL, the implementation assigns a value.

[in] error_status

If the PDU_type parameter is equal to SNMP_PDU_GETBULK, this parameter specifies a value for the non_repeaters field of the PDU. For other PDU types, this parameter specifies a value for the error_status field of the PDU. This parameter can be NULL.

[in] error_index

If the PDU_type parameter is equal to SNMP_PDU_GETBULK, this parameter specifies a value for the max_repetitions field of the PDU. For other PDU types, this parameter specifies a value for the error_index field of the PDU. This parameter can be NULL.

[in] varbindlist

Handle to a structure that represents an SNMP variable bindings list. This parameter can be NULL.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to a new SNMP PDU.

If the function fails, the return value is SNMPAPI_FAILURE. To get extended error information, call SnmpGetLastError. The SnmpGetLastError function can return one of the following errors.

Return code Description
The SnmpStartup function did not complete successfully.
An error occurred during memory allocation.
The session handle is invalid.
The PDU type is invalid.
The variable bindings list is invalid.
An unknown or undefined error occurred.


A WinSNMP application must create a PDU before it calls the SnmpSendMsg or the SnmpEncodeMsg functions.

All of the parameters of the SnmpCreatePdu function are required. However, all parameters, except the session parameter, can be NULL. In this instance, the new PDU has the following default values.

Field Contents
request_id The implementation generates a numeric value.
error_index 0
varbindlist NULL

The application must call the SnmpFreePdu function to release the resources that the SnmpCreatePdu function allocates for the new PDU.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winsnmp.h
Library Wsnmp32.lib
DLL Wsnmp32.dll

See also




WinSNMP Functions

WinSNMP API Overview