ActionText |
Lists text in a progress dialog box or action log. |
AdminExecuteSequence |
Lists ADMIN actions in sequence. |
AdminUISequence |
Lists UI ADMIN actions in sequence. |
AdvtExecuteSequence |
Lists ADVERTISE actions in sequence. |
AdvtUISequence |
The Windows Installer does not use this table. The AdvtUISequence table should not exist in the installation database or it should be left empty. |
AppId |
Specifies that the installer configure and register DCOM servers |
AppSearch |
Lists properties used to search by file signature. |
BBControl |
Lists controls displayed on each billboard. |
Billboard |
Lists billboards displayed in full UI. |
Binary |
Holds binary data for bitmaps and icons. |
BindImage |
Lists executables bound to the DLLs. |
CCPSearch |
Lists file signatures for the Compliance Checking Program. |
CheckBox |
Lists the values for the check boxes. |
Class |
Lists COM server information for product advertisement. |
ComboBox |
Lists the values for each combo box. |
CompLocator |
Find file or directory by installer configuration data. |
Complus |
Contains information needed to install COM+ applications. |
Component |
Lists installation components. |
Condition |
Modifies feature selection states conditionally. |
Control |
Lists the controls on each dialog box. |
ControlCondition |
Lists actions applied to controls based on a property. |
ControlEvent |
Specifies the actions of controls in dialog boxes. |
CreateFolder |
Lists folders that must be created for a component. |
CustomAction |
Integrates custom actions into the installation. |
Dialog |
Lists dialog boxes in the user interface. |
Directory |
Directory layout for the application. |
DrLocator |
Lists file searches using the directory tree. |
DuplicateFile |
Lists files to be duplicated. |
Environment |
Lists the environment variables. |
Error |
Lists error message formatting templates. |
EventMapping |
Lists the events subscribed to by controls. |
Extension |
Lists file name extension server information. |
Feature |
Defines the logical tree structure of features. |
FeatureComponents |
Defines features and component relationships. |
File |
Complete list of source files with their attributes. |
FileSFPCatalog |
Associates specified files with the catalog files. |
Font |
Registry information for font files. |
Icon |
Contains the icon files. |
IniFile |
Information needed to set in an .ini file. |
IniLocator |
Searches for file or directory using an .ini file. |
InstallExecuteSequence |
Lists INSTALL actions in sequence. |
InstallUISequence |
Lists UI INSTALL actions in sequence. |
IsolatedComponent |
Lists Isolated Components. |
LaunchCondition |
Lists conditions for the installation to begin. |
ListBox |
Lists the values for all list boxes. |
ListView |
Lists the values for all listviews. |
LockPermissions |
Defines locked-down portions of the application. |
Media |
Lists source media disks for the installation. |
Lists MIME content type, file name extension, or CLSID. |
MoveFile |
Lists files to be moved or copied. |
MsiAssembly |
Specifies Windows Installer settings for Microsoft .NET Framework assemblies and Win32 assemblies. |
MsiAssemblyName |
Specifies the schema for the elements of a strong assembly cache name for a .NET Framework or Win32 assembly. |
MsiDigitalCertificate |
Stores certificates in binary stream format and associates each certificate with a primary key. |
MsiDigitalSignature |
Contains the signature information for every digitally-signed object in the installation database. |
MsiEmbeddedChainer |
Each row in this table references a different user-defined function that can be used to install multiple Windows Installer packages from a single package. Windows Installer 4.0 and earlier: Not supported.
MsiEmbeddedUI |
Defines a user interface embedded in the Windows Installer package. Windows Installer 4.0 and earlier: Not supported.
MsiFileHash |
Stores a 128-bit hash of source files provided by the Windows Installer package. |
MsiLockPermissionsEx Table |
Secures services, files, registry keys, and created folders. Windows Installer 4.5 and earlier: Not supported.
MsiPackageCertificate |
Lists digital signature certificates being used to verify the identity of installation packages that make this Multiple-Package Installation. Available beginning with Windows Installer 4.5. |
MsiPatchCertificate |
Contains the information needed to enable User Account Control (UAC) Patching. Available beginning with Windows Installer 3.0. |
MsiPatchHeaders |
Holds the binary patch header streams used for patch validation. |
MsiPatchMetadata |
Holds information about a Windows Installer patch required to remove the patch and used by Add/Remove Programs. Available beginning with Windows Installer 3.0. |
MsiPatchOldAssemblyName |
Specifies the old name for an assembly. |
MsiPatchOldAssemblyFile |
Relates a file in the File Table to an assembly name. |
MsiPatchSequence |
Contains the information required to determine the sequence of application of a small update patch relative to all other patches. Available beginning with Windows Installer 3.0. |
MsiServiceConfig |
Configures a service that is installed or being installed by the current package. Windows Installer 4.5 and earlier: Not supported.
MsiServiceConfigFailureActions |
Lists operations to be run after a service fails. The operations specified in this table run the next time the system is started. Windows Installer 4.5 and earlier: Not supported.
MsiSFCBypass |
Lists files that should bypass Windows File Protection on Windows Me. |
ODBCAttribute |
Lists attributes of ODBC drivers and translators. |
ODBCDataSource |
Lists data sources belonging to the installation. |
ODBCDriver |
Lists ODBC drivers belonging to the installation. |
ODBCSourceAttribute |
Lists the attributes of data sources. |
ODBCTranslator |
Lists ODBC translators of the installation. |
Patch |
Lists files that are to receive a particular patch. |
PatchPackage |
Lists all patch packages applied to this product. |
ProgId |
Lists information for program IDs. |
Property |
Lists property names and values for all properties. |
PublishComponent |
Lists information used for component publishing. |
RadioButton |
Lists buttons for all the radio button groups. |
Registry |
Lists registry information for the application. |
RegLocator |
Searches for file or directory using the registry. |
RemoveFile |
Lists files to be removed by RemoveFiles action. |
RemoveIniFile |
Lists information needed to delete from an .ini file. |
RemoveRegistry |
Lists information needed to delete from system registry. |
ReserveCost |
Reserves disk space in any directory conditionally. |
SelfReg |
Lists information about self-registered modules. |
ServiceControl |
Controls installed or uninstalled services. |
ServiceInstall |
Lists information used to install a service. |
SFPCatalog |
Lists SFP catalogs. |
Shortcut |
Lists information needed to create shortcuts. |
Signature |
Lists the unique file signatures that identify files. |
TextStyle |
Lists text styles used in the text controls. |
TypeLib |
Lists registry information for type libraries. |
UIText |
Lists localized versions of some strings used in the user interface. |
Verb |
Lists command-verb information for file name extensions. |
_Validation |
Lists column names and values for all tables. |
_Columns |
Read-only column catalog. |
_Streams |
Lists embedded OLE data streams. |
_Storages |
Lists embedded OLE sub-storages. |
_Tables |
Read-only system table listing all the tables. |
_TransformView Table |
A read-only temporary table used to view transforms. |
Upgrade |
Lists information used in an upgrade of an application. |