The driver is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 22.0 in addition to JDK 21.0, 17.0, 11.0 and 1.8.
Added credential caching when using Managed Identity Credential or Default Azure Credential
In order to improve performance and driver reliability, the driver now allows caching of the previously mentioned credentials.
Allow caching of the SQLServerBulkCopy object when using bulk copy for batch insert
Replaces previous behavior, where each call of executeBatch() generated a new SQLServerBulkCopy object, by caching the object instead.
Added connection level caching for destination column metadate in bulk copy
Improves performance by adding caching at the connection level for destination column metadata in bulk copy scenarios. This feature is enabled by setting the newly added connection string property cacheBulkCopyMetadata to true (default value is false).
Added a SQL Server message handler and support for SQLException chaining
Added a SQL Server message handler allowing for several features including extra feedback for long running queries, universal error logging, and automatic downgrade of error-message severity from SQLException to SQLWarning. Additionally, this feature allows for chaining of SQLExceptions together so that all error messages are available to the user. See Handling Errors.
Provided full support for RFC4180 for CSV bulk insert operations
Support for quoted fields containing newlines were missing in order to ensure full support with RFC4180; this support is now added.
Allow constructing a microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset instance from a java.time.OffsetDateTime value
Conversion between the two data types already existed in the driver using a Timestamp intermediary. This addition removes that intermediary, improving performance and reducing the potential for timezone-related errors.
Changes in 12.8
Enum SQLServerSortOrder is now public
Changed visibility of the enum SQLServerSortOrder to public, which allows users greater flexibility in queries that use this enum.
Remove synchronized from Socket overrides
Incorrectly added in prior changes to confirm with code check standards, the select methods changed don't, in fact, need to be synchronized, and are changed to reflect this fact.
Revised previous RMERR/RMFAIL changes by making the default RMFAIL
Prior changes changed the value of XAER_RMFAIL to XAER_RMERR for select cases, however these cases quickly became most of all cases covered. The solution is to change the default to RMFAIL and convert to RMERR for inverse of previously stated cases.
Updated dependencies
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, bouncycastle, and msal.
Revised support for TDSType.GUID
Enhances the original addition of support for TDSType.GUID by allowing direct passage of the UUID to the setObject method.
Added logging to token caching
Added more logging for token caching scenarios to help in debug scenarios.
Fixes in 12.8
Fixed regression with specifying argument names in callable statement syntax
Fixed a regression from 12.6.2 --> 12.6.3 where CallableStatements of a certain format returned incorrect values. GitHub Issue #2477.
Fixed parsing for parentheses in stored procedures and functions
Fix for an issue where calling a function with parentheses at the end in a callable statement, for example, function() vs function, resulting in the return value always being 0. This change was a regression from 12.6.2 --> 12.6.3. GitHub Issue #2463.
Fixed an error where the driver wasn't respecting CallableStatement with default arguments.
Fixed an error that was a regression from 12.5.0 --> 12.6.0, where default arguments in callable statements were being ignored. GitHub Issue #2446.
Fix to remove TokenCredential class where the driver doesn't require it
TokenCredentialClass isn't needed in SQLServerSecurityUtility and can cause an incorrectly thrown NoClassDefFoundError. This fix removes the import, replacing it with a generic Object. GitHub Issue #2439.
Fixed timestamp string conversion error for CallableStatements
Fixed a conversion exception that occurred when calling a DateTime in/out parameter while setting a String value. GitHub Issue #2436.
Fixed SqlAuthenticationToken constructor to accept correct parameter
The constructor for SQLAuthenticationToken was incorrect, working with an input parameter in seconds, when it should be milliseconds. GitHub Issue #2424.
Fix to clear prepared statement handle before reconnection
This fixes an issue where the wrong handles were used in a SQLServerPreparedStatement after reconnection by properly clearing SQLServerPreparedStatement.prepStmtHandle before reconnecting. GitHub Issue #2364.
Fix to clear prepared statement cache when resetting statement pool connection
This fixes an issue where, with statement pooling enabled, reusing a connection from a ConnectionPool resulted in missing, or incorrectly inserted, entries. GitHub Issue #2356.
Fix to unbind socketTimeout from loginTimeout
socketTimeout should have an upper-bound of loginTimeout for connection establishment, but should have no upper-bound after the driver is connected. This change fixes that behavior. GitHub Issue #2354.
Fix to properly check if TDSCommand counter is null before attempting to increment
Adds a missing null check for the TDSCommand counter, preventing a NullPointerException that could otherwise arise. GitHub Issue #2353.
Fix calling procedures with output parameters by their four-part syntax
Fixes an issue where calling stored procedures with a four-part syntax (that is, with a linked server) resulted in an error stating the TDS protocol stream isn't valid. GitHub Issue #2344.
Fix to properly escape schema parameters for getProcedures and getProcedureColumns
The SQLServerDatabaseMetadata methods getProcedures and getProcedureColumns weren't properly escaping certain characters (for example, \) for the schema parameter. This change fixes that issue. GitHub Issue #2336.
Added token cache map to fix use of unintended auth token for subsequent connections
This fixes an issue where client credentials could be inadvertently reused. While the auth token was correctly cached, the driver was reusing the token with only the client secret changed. GitHub Issue #2334.
Fixed support for exec escape syntax in CallableStatements
This fixes an issue where, after removing the wrapped sp_executesql/sp_prepexec calls in order to execute CallableStatements quickly, EXEC calls were no longer working. GitHub Issue #2325.
Fix to ensure Money and SmallMoney are within the correct ranges for bulk copy
This fixes an issue where, when using bulk copy with Money or SmallMoney values, conversion to/from the values can cause an ArithmeticOverflowException. GitHub Issue #2309.
Fix to ensure ResultSetMetadata for DatabaseMetadata.getColumns() is correct for all columns
The returned metadata was incorrect for some columns, this change fixes that problem. GitHub Issue #2232.
Fix to properly turn off connection retries when connectRetryCount is set to 0
This fixes the behavior where, even with connectRetryCount set to 0, the driver attempted to retry until loginTimeout was reached. GitHub Issue #2232. GitHub Issue #2188.
Fix to address a ClassLoader leak of ActivityCorrelatorThreadLocal
Fixes an issue where, after previous driver changes to ActivityId, ThreadLocal in ActivityCorrelator is never being removed from the thread.
Fix to execute stored procedures directly for RPC calls
RPC calls were using prior logic by being wrapped in sp_executesql calls; this change fixes that behavior.
The driver is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 21.0 in addition to JDK 17.0, 11.0 and 1.8.
Allow calling of stored procedures directly through use of new connection property useFlexibleCallableStatements
The driver now calls store procedures directly, as opposed to wrapping the procedure around exec sp_executesql, simplifying the procedure, and improving performance.
When set to true, allows the driver to calculate precision for BigDecimal inputs.
Added new named loggers for connection open retries and idle connection resiliency reconnects
Connection open retries use the Redirection logging category, and can be used at the FINE logging level. Idle connection resiliency reconnects use the Resiliency logging category, and can be used at the FINE or FINER logging levels.
Changes in 12.6
Changed how IBM JDK is checked for prevent issues with OSGi environments
Changed from only checking vendor name, to checking both vendor and vm name.
Properly synchronized all calls to MSAL
Prevents the driver from making extra calls and proving unnecessary dialogues.
Added more errors that should translate to RMFAIL
Added more cases, "connection reset by peer" and "connection timed out," that should equate to RMFAIL
Changed how Timestamps are used in bulk copy
Change bulk copy behavior from serializing and deserializing Timestamp objects, to using the objects directly, leading to a performance improvement when a user is using many Timestamps.
Changed socketTimeout to ensure it's properly less than loginTimeout
Previously socketTimeout acted independently from loginTimeout leading to potentially confusing behavior where the driver would take longer to time out than expected. This issue is fixed so socketTimeout always has an upper bound equal to loginTimeout.
Adjusted the PreparedStatement cache so it clears itself before every execute
The PreparedStatement cache wasn't being cleared correctly, which, in addition to its infrequency, could lead to memory issues over time. This change ensures the cache is cleaned before each execute, preventing object build-up.
Upgraded to newer Bouncycastle dependencies
Upgrade from bcprov-jdk15on and bcpkix-jdk15on to bcprov-jdk18on and bcpkix-jdk18on as the former is no longer being updated.
Updated dependencies
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, azure-security-keyvault-keys, bouncycastle, h2, and msal.
Fixes in 12.6
Fixed a missing null check for e.getCause()
Fix for an issue where, when an exception has no cause, the exception itself is passed along instead, preventing it from being lost. GitHub Issue #2299.
Fixed locks in IOBuffer to prevent deadlock issues that could arise
Fixed implementation of locks in IOBuffer, specifically around disableSSL, to prevent deadlocks that could arise in certain situations. GitHub Issue #2288. GitHub Issue #2265.
Fix for an issue with Timestamps and bulk copy for batch insert
Fixed timezone not being properly applied to Timestamps when inserted using batch insert with bulk copy. GitHub Issue #2271.
Fixed missing getters and setters for useBulkCopyForBatchInsert
Fix for an issue where behavior wasn't the same between SQLServerConnection and SQLServerConnectionPoolProxy, when it should be, as useBulkCopyForBatchInsert was missing a getter and setter in the latter. GitHub Issue #2245.
Fixed bulk copy metadata query to make use of cached data, if available
Fix for an issue where, despite the data being cached, calls for column metadata were being called each time. GitHub Issue #2224.
Fixed a missing BigDecimal scale check for TVP values
Fix for an issue where, when writing TVP row values, input values weren't properly filtered for BigDecimal scale. GitHub Issue #2222.
Fixed schemaPattern in SQLServerDatabaseMetadata to ensure methods that use the parameter properly escape it.
Fix for an issue where schemaPattern was the only pattern not properly being escaped in SQLServerDatabaseMetadata. GitHub Issue #2186.
Fix for an issue where a null SQLState was returned when trying to convert a date to a long
Fix for an issue where, when xopenStates is set to true, the driver doesn't return the expected SQL-99 state code in a particular instance. GitHub Issue #2167.
Fixed getMetaData error for queries containing TOP
Fix for an issue where, when using the TOP qualifier in a query, the driver returns an error concerning ParameterMetadata. GitHub Issue #1776.
Fixed a table name parsing issue when using batch inserts
Fix for an issue where insert statements with missing whitespace worked correctly in regular cases, but not when using batch inserts. GitHub Issue #1534.
Fix for an issue with ParameterMetadata and invalid indexes
Fix for an issue with ParameterMetadata not properly checking, and throwing exceptions for, an invalid index 0. GitHub Issue #1490.
Fixed behavior of ActivityID in ActivityCorrelator
Fixed the way ActivityID was defined and used to be more in line with the behavior of other Microsoft drivers.
Fix to ignore computed columns when using bulk copy for batch insert
Fixed bulk copy behavior to ignore computed columns, and allow batch inserts, when previously the insert would fail and return an error citing those computed columns.
Fixed driver behavior concerning signatures when using Java Key Store and Azure Key Vault
Fix for an issue where the driver wasn't properly verifying the signature, when using Java Key Store, and adding a new API to sign column master key metadata (and return generated signature) for use with Java Key Store and Azure Key Vault
Fixes getObject()'s erroneous conversion of DateTimeOffset
Fix for an issue when calling ResultSet.getObject() on a DATETIMEOFFSET column, with LocalDate/LocalTime/LocalDateTime as the class argument, the value in the column would be converted to the local time zone.
Supplements the previously implemented access token callback by allowing passing in the name of the callback-implementing class in the connection string.
Added support for ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalCertificate
Improvement to the user experience by supporting ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalCertificate from the Azure Identity Library via the connection option authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalCertificate.
Added another case for XAER_RMFAIL
The driver was still returning XAException with error XAER_RMERR in some cases. An extra case was added to XA error handling to address this issue.
Changes in 12.4
Updated federated authentication logic to use persistent token cache when fetching token
This update both improves performance in token fetch scenarios and more easily allows compatibility with future MSAL versions.
Allow failover partner to be tried if there's a socket timeout
Allows a reconnection attempt with a supplied failover partner following a socket timeout.
Improved performance when building parameter type definitions
By precomputing sizes of arrays and string builders used in buildParamTypeDefinitions, and by removing unneeded string allocations, improve performance where this method is used.
Changed serverName sent in LOGIN packet to include instanceName
serverName is now appended to the end of instanceName in LOGIN packets.
Updated supportTransaction method to reflect whether server supports transactions
Addresses an issue where connection.rollback didn't work for Azure Synapse database, as Azure Synapse doesn't support the syntax used in supportTransaction.
Update sp_cursor calls so that table names are passed in instead of an empty string
Addresses an issue where inconsistent updates of ResultSet rows were received when updating one-to-many tables.
Updated supportsLikeEscapeClause() to check for Azure Data Warehouse
Addresses an issue where supportsLikeEscapeClause was returning true for AzureDW despite it explicitly not being supported.
Upgraded to latest OSGi JDBC specification
Upgrade from osgi.compendium 5.0.0 to osgi.service.jdbc 1.1.0 to maintain compliance with OSGi JDBC specification 8.1.0.
Updated dependencies
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, azure-security-keyvault-keys, gson, h2, and msal.
Fixes in 12.4
Fixed performance and memory issues present with BigDecimal
Reverts all changes, since the 12.2 release, regarding BigDecimal. This fix addresses the performance issues that were observed. Users need to take care when using BigDecimal to avoid the truncation issues that were previously addressed. GitHub Issue #2176.
Fixed server certificate validation for encrypt=strict
Fix to ensure the server certificate is properly validated in cases where encrypt is set to strict. GitHub Issue #2174.
Fixed lockTimeout not taking effect when redirect mode is set in Azure DB
Fixed when lockTimeout is set, as it should only apply to connections from outside Azure, and not from within Azure, as was previously. GitHub Issue #2110.
Fixed high thread count when using findSocketUsingThreading
Fixes an issue where an uncaught exception led to interruption in sleep calls upstream, causing retries to happen too quickly. GitHub Issue #2104.
Fixed shared timer race condition
Fixed a potential race condition in the SharedTimer class. GitHub Issue #2085.
Fixed an error with stored procedures and zero result metaQuery return
Fix for an issue where, if metaQuery returned no result after execution of a stored procedure, this issue would return a parameter undefined error. GitHub Issue #2063.
Fixed invalid batch inserts when columns provided in insert differs in order from table schema
Fix for an issue where usage of useBulkCopyForBatchInsert=true can lead to column mix-up and invalid data. GitHub Issue #1992.
Fixed XA error handling to rethrow XAER_RMFAIL instead of XAER_RMERR
Fix for an issue where, the driver would return XAException with error code XAER_RMERR if there was failover of SQL Server from primary node to standby node while committing an XA Transaction. GitHub Issue #1432.
Fixes to Activity ID and Client ID behavior to maintain consistency with JDBC specification
Fixed Activity ID behavior to stay the same for the life of the process, always send Activity ID in PRELOGIN, and increment sequence for each new connection. Also fixed client ID to persist for the life of the process.
The driver is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 19.0 in addition to JDK 17.0, 11.0 and 1.8.
Added support for access token callback
Allows client code to register a callback on a DataSource that returns an access token.
Added support for DefaultAzureCredential
Improvement to the user experience by supporting both DefaultAzureCredential and IntelliJCredential from the Azure Identity Library via the connection option authentication=ActiveDirectoryDefault.
Added a new connection property datetimeParameterType to specify datatype to use for date/timestamp parameters
Added a connection property datetimeParameterType, which allows users to explicitly specify conversions to datetime or datetime2, providing greater compatibility in older databases.
Changes in 12.2
Made driver Loom-friendly
Replaces synchronized(foo) with reentrant locks, improving performance when using Loom.
Replaces the driver's built-in code to obtain and cache Managed Identity tokens with the Azure Identity library. This change adds Managed Identity support for more Azure services over what the driver previously supported.
Made MSAL an optional dependency
Made msal4j an optional dependency again.
Updated dependencies
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, azure-security-keyvault-keys, antlr4-runtime, bcprov-jdk15on, bcpkix-jdk15on, and msal.
Update to dynamically check for ExtendedSocketOption class
Addresses an error where missing ExtendedSocketOptions was returning a NoClassDefFoundError.
Fixes in 12.2
Fixed null SQL state and zero error code when database exception is thrown
Fix for an issue where, after SQL Error, the SQL State and error code showed incorrect information. GitHub Issue #2015.
Fixed Idle Connection recovery so that unprocessedResponseCount isn't over-decremented
unprocessedResponseCount needs to only be decremented when doneToken.isFinal is true, it was being decremented regardless. GitHub Issue #1971.
Fixed connecting to the wrong SQLServer host
Fixes a concurrency issue where, when a driver is connecting to multiple SQLServer hosts, a connection could be established to the wrong host. GitHub Issue #1964.
Fixed incorrect updateCount
The incorrect update count can happen in both true/false cases for enablePrepareOnFirstPreparedStatementCall and for both prepexec/prepare. GitHub Issue #1961.
Fixed concurrency issues in encrypt/decrypt obfuscation methods for truststore password
Added locks to encrypt/decrypt in truststore password obfuscation. GitHub Issue #1939.
Fixed cache account name casing issue
Fixes an issue where account names were sent to the Microsoft Authentication Library with case-sensitivity, leading to repeated login requests. GitHub Issue #1923.
Fixed query cancellation bug
Fixed query cancellation bug that intermittently occurs in batch queries. GitHub Issue #1896.
Fixed callable statement errors
Fixes callable statement "index out of bounds" and "parameter not defined" errors. GitHub Issue #1871.
Fixed check for DONE token when fetching result sets
Adds a missed case to previous DONE_ERROR fix, where the driver ignored DONE_ERROR status from the server resulting from a killed session. GitHub Issue #1846. GitHub Issue #1505.
Ensure that batchParamValues is cleared in all cases when executing a batch
Addresses an issue where batches weren't properly cleared on failure when using bulk update. GitHub Issue #1767.
Fixed precision sent when using BigDecimal
Fixes an issue where, by default, BigDecimal values were sent with maximum precision, which could result in undesired decimal rounding. GitHub Issue #1489. GitHub Issue #942
Fixed attestation protocol NONE to work in all cases
Fixed logic behind NONE attestation protocol to work in all cases, not just specific ones.
Fixed race condition in SecureStringUtil
Fixed a race condition in SecureStringUtil during creation of SecureStringUtil.
The driver is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 18.0 in addition to JDK 17.0, 11.0 and 1.8.
Added Configurable IPv6 Support
The IP address preference for the client application can now be set between IPv4 and IPv6. Use the new ipaddresspreference connection setting to control the behavior. For more information, see Setting the connection properties.
Added support for prepare method selection
Added new connection string property prepareMethod to toggle between use of sp_prepare and sp_prepexec. Use the new prepareMethod connection setting to control the behavior. For more information, see Setting the connection properties.
Added serverCertificate connection property for encrypt=strict
Added a serverCertificate property that's the path to the server certificate file (in PEM format). Used for validation when using encrypt set to strict. For more information, see Setting the connection properties.
BREAKING CHANGE TLS encryption is enabled by default.
Certificate validation when encrypt = false
BREAKING CHANGE When encrypt = false but the server requires encryption, the certificate is validated based on the trustServerCertificate connection setting.
aadSecurePrincipalId and aadSecurePrincipalSecret deprecated
The aadSecurePrincipalId and aadSecurePrincipalSecret connection properties are deprecated. Use username and password instead.
getAADSecretPrincipalId API removed
BREAKING CHANGE The getAADSecretPrincipalId API is removed for security reasons.
SQL_Variant support
Added support for SQL_Variant datatype when retrieving DateTimeOffset.
Nonblocking random in Linux
Updated to use a nonblocking random call when generating a GUID for enclave packages.
CNAME resolution for realm
Added CNAME resolution when realm is specified.
Updated dependencies
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, azure-security-keyvault-keys, gson, and bouncycastle.
Fixes in 10.2
Fixed: TDSParser stuck on TDS_COLMETADATA, which could result in a hang for certain queries. GitHub Issue #1661
The driver now supports specifying a custom authentication realm when using Kerberos authentication. See Setting the connection properties.
Open Connection Retry
The connectRetryCount and connectRetryInterval connection properties are added to configure automatic retries when opening connections. See Setting the connection properties for details on these new properties.
Changes in 9.4
Azure Key Vault Provider
Multiple, successive connections can be opened that specify different Azure Key Vault provider information.
Updated error messages
Error messages related to Enclave exceptions now include a link to a troubleshooting guide. Error messages related to Active Directory authentication failures now include the error string from the underlying library.
Driver version sent to server
The driver version is now correctly sent to the database during PRELOGIN.
Client process ID
The client process ID is now sent to the server when running on Java 9+. Java 8 keeps the previous functionality of sending 0 for the client process ID.
Updated dependencies
Updated dependency versions for azure-identity, azure-security-keyvault-keys, gson, antlr, and bouncycastle.
Removed unnecessary references
Removed unused Java 9 specific class references from the Java 8 jar
Added support for Azure Active Directory Service Principal Authentication
Authentication type addition
Microsoft JDBC Driver 9.2 for SQL Server now supports authentication to Azure Key Vault using the client ID and secret of a service principal identity.
Updated Azure Key Vault library to use modern Azure Key Vault library
Library changes for Azure Key Vault
Microsoft JDBC Driver 9.2 migrated from the previous-generation Azure Key Vault library and ADAL libraries to the more modern Azure Key Vault and Azure Identity equivalents.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.4 for SQL Server now supports DNS caching against SQL Server on Azure VMs.
Added backwards compatibility for streaming LOB objects
LOB Streaming
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.4 for SQL Server added a new connection property delayLoadingLobs.
Setting delayLoadingLobs to FALSE causes all LOB objects retrieved from the ResultSet to not be streamed. This setting means that the driver loads the entire LOB object into memory at once, similar to how the driver was functioning before version 6.4 release.
Added support for client certificate authentication for loopback scenarios
Client certificate authentication
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.4 for SQL Server added a new authentication method called client certificate authentication for loopback scenarios.
The jars in the 8.2 package are named according to Java version compatibility.
For example, the mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre11.jar file from the 8.2 package should be used with Java 11.
Compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 13.0, 11.0, and 1.8.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.2 for SQL Server is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 13.0 in addition to JDK 11.0 and 1.8.
8.2 Releases
Version number: 8.2.2
Released: March 24, 2020
Fixed issues:
Added an option to configure the list of trusted Azure Key Vault endpoints
Version number: 8.2.1
Released: February 26, 2020
Fixed issues:
Fixed a potential NullPointerException issue when retrieving data as java.time.LocalTime or java.time.LocalDate type with SQLServerResultSet.getObject()
Version number: 8.2.0
Released: January 31, 2020
Support for JDK 13
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.2 for SQL Server is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 13.0 in addition to JDK 11.0 and 1.8.
Always Encrypted with secure enclaves
Always Encrypted change
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.2 for SQL Server now supports Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. The details can be found here: Always Encrypted with secure enclaves.
Performance Improvement when Retrieving Temporal Datatypes from SQL Server 1
Temporal Datatypes change
Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.2 for SQL Server has improved performance when retrieving temporal datatypes from SQL Server.
This change eliminates unnecessary temporal datatype conversions by eliminating the use of java.util.Calendar wherever possible.
This performance improvement affects the following list of temporal data types; in the format "SQL Server datatype" (Java mapping).
date (java.sql.Date), datetime (java.sql.Timestamp), datetime2 (java.sql.Timestamp), smalldatetime (java.sql.Timestamp), and time (java.sql.Time).
1 Due to the differences in how time zones are handled between java.util.Calendar and java.time.LocalDateTime API, temporal datatypes with a user provided java.util.Calendar object associated with it or microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset datatypes don't benefit from this improvement.
Deployment of mssql-jdbc_auth-<version>-<arch>.dll (previously sqljdbc_auth.dll) to Maven Repository
sqljdbc_auth.dll change
Starting with Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.2 for SQL Server, the driver relies on mssql-jdbc_auth-<version>-<arch>.dll instead of sqljdbc_auth.dll to use Azure Active Directory Authentication feature.
The DLL is uploaded to Maven repository for easier access.
The jars in the 7.4 package are named according to Java version compatibility.
For example, the mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre11.jar file from the 7.4 package should be used with Java 11.
Compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 12.0, 11.0, and 1.8.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.4 for SQL Server is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 12.0 in addition to JDK 11.0 and 1.8.
7.4 Releases
Version number: 7.4.1
Released: August 2, 2019
Fixed issues:
Reverted new hashCode() and equals() API implementations from SQLServerDataTable and SQLServerDataColumn as the API change broke backwards compatibility
Version number: 7.4.0
Released: July 31, 2019
Support for JDK 12
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.4 for SQL Server is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 12.0 in addition to JDK 11.0 and 1.8.
Introduces NTLM authentication
NTLM change
Supports NTLM authentication mode.
This mode of authentication allows both Windows and non-Windows clients to authenticate themselves against SQL Server using Windows domain users.
More details and a sample application to use this authentication mode.
Introduces querying ParameterMetaData via useFmtOnly
useFmtOnly change
useFmtOnly connection property added.
This feature allows users to optionally query ParameterMetaData via the SET FMTONLY ON legacy API. This setting is useful for scenarios where sp_describe_undeclared_parameters doesn't perform as expected.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server is fully compliant with JDBC API Specification 4.2. The jars in the 7.0 package are named according to Java version compatibility. For example, the mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre10.jar file from the 7.0 package should be used with Java 10.
Support for JDK 10
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server is now compatible with Java Development Kit (JDK) version 10.0 in addition to JDK 1.8. This update also exposes the driver's Automatic-Module-Name as through its MANIFEST file.
Support for spatial datatypes
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server now provides support for SQL Server spatial datatypes Geography and Geometry. For more information about spatial datatype APIs and how to use them, see Using spatial datatypes.
Implementation for JDBC 4.3 introduced java.sql.Connection APIs beginRequest() and endRequest()
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server now implements beginRequest() and endRequest() APIs from the java.sql.Connection class. These APIs were introduced with JDBC 4.3 specifications and JDK 9. For more information about the driver's implementation of these APIs, see JDBC 4.3 compliance for the JDBC Driver.
Support for SQL Data Discovery and Classification
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server provides support for SQL Data Discovery and Classification with any target database that supports this feature. The driver now exposes SQLServerResultSet.getSensitivityClassification() APIs to extract this information from the fetched ResultSet.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server introduces a new connection property, useBulkCopyForBatchInsert. This property is supported only for Azure Synapse Analytics.
This property is disabled by default. You can enable it to increase performance of user applications when you're pushing large amounts data to Azure Synapse Analytics. Enabling this property changes the behavior of batch insert operations to switch to bulk copy operations with user-provided data. For more information about this property and its limitations, see Using Bulk Copy API for batch insert operation.
Added connection property: cancelQueryTimeout
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server introduces a new connection property, cancelQueryTimeout, to cancel queryTimeout on java.sql.Connection and java.sql.Statement objects.
Added Azure Key Vault Provider constructors
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server reintroduces a previously removed constructor, for SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider. It allowed authentication through a custom method implemented over SQLServerKeyVaultAuthenticationCallback to fetch an access token.
The new constructors have the following definition:
/* This constructor is added to provide backward compatibility with 6.0
* version of the driver. It is marked deprecated for removal in the next
* stable release.
public SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(
SQLServerKeyVaultAuthenticationCallback authenticationCallback,
ExecutorService executorService) throws SQLServerException;
/*New constructor to replace the above constructor*/
public SQLServerColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(
SQLServerKeyVaultAuthenticationCallback authenticationCallback) throws SQLServerException;
Updated "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL4J) for Java" version: 1.6.0
Microsoft JDBC Driver 7.0 for SQL Server has updated its Maven dependency on "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL4J) for Java" to version 1.6.0. For more information about dependencies, see Feature dependencies of the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.4 for SQL Server is fully compliant with JDBC specifications 4.1 and 4.2. The jars in the 6.4 package are named according to Java version compatibility. For example, the mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar file from the 6.4 package must be used with Java 8.
Support for JDK 9
The driver supports JDK version 9.0 in addition to JDK 8.0 and 7.0.
JDBC 4.3 compliance
The driver supports the Java Database Connectivity API 4.3 specification, in addition to 4.1 and 4.2. The JDBC 4.3 API methods are added but not implemented yet. For details, see JDBC 4.3 compliance for the JDBC Driver.
Added connection property: sslProtocol
A new connection property lets users specify the TLS protocol keyword. Possible values are: "TLS," "TLSv1," "TLSv1.1," and "TLSv1.2." For details, see SSLProtocol.
Deprecated connection property: fipsProvider
The connection property fipsProvider is removed from the list of accepted connection properties. For details, see the related GitHub pull request.
Added connection properties for specifying a custom TrustManager
The driver now supports specifying a custom TrustManager with added trustManagerClass and trustManagerConstructorArg connection properties. You can dynamically specify a set of certificates that are trusted on a per-connection basis without modifying the global settings for the Java virtual machine (JVM) environment.
Added support for datetime/smallDatetime in table-valued parameters
The driver now supports the datatypes datetime and smallDatetime when you're using table-valued parameters (TVPs).
Added support for the sql_variant datatype
The JDBC Driver now supports sql_variant datatypes to be used with SQL Server. The sql_variant datatype is also supported with features such as TVPs and bulk copy with the following limitations:
For date values:
When you're using a TVP to populate a table that contains datetime, smalldatetime, or date values stored in a sql_variant column, calling the getDateTime(), getSmallDateTime(), or getDate() method on the result set doesn't work and throws the following exception:
java java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp
As a workaround, use the getString() or getObject() method instead.
Using a TVP with sql_variant for null values:
If you're using a TVP to populate a table and send a NULL value to the sql_variant column type, you encounter an exception. Inserting a NULL value with the column type sql_variant in a TVP is currently not supported.
Implemented prepared statement metadata caching
The JDBC Driver has implemented prepared statement metadata caching for performance improvement. The driver now supports caching prepared statement metadata in the driver with disableStatementPooling and statementPoolingCacheSize connection properties. This feature is disabled by default. For more information, see Prepared statement metadata caching for the JDBC Driver.
Added support for Azure AD Integrated Authentication on Linux/macOS
The JDBC Driver now supports Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Integrated Authentication on all supported operating systems (Windows, Linux, and macOS) with Kerberos. Alternatively, on Windows operating systems, users can authenticate with mssql-jdbc_auth-<version>-<arch>.dll.
Updated "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL4J) for Java" version: 1.4.0
The JDBC Driver has updated its Maven dependency on "Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL4J) for Java" to version 1.4.0. For more information about dependencies, see Feature dependencies of the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.2 for SQL Server is fully compliant with JDBC specifications 4.1 and 4.2. The jars in the 6.2 package are named according to Java version compatibility. For example, the mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar file from the 6.2 package is recommended for use with Java 8.
6.2 Releases
Version number: 6.2.2
Released: October 3, 2017
Fixed issues:
Updated ADAL4J dependency to version 1.2.0 and Azure Key Vault dependency to version 1.0.0
Version number: 6.2.1
Released: July 14, 2017
Fixed issues:
Fix for an issue when running queries without parameters using preparedStatement
Version number: 6.2.0
Released: June 30, 2017
An issue with the metadata caching improvement was found in the JDBC 6.2 RTW released on June 29, 2017. The improvement was rolled back and new jars (version 6.2.1) were released on July 17, 2017.
Another improvement upgraded the Azure Key Vault dependent library version to 1.0.0, and new jars (version 6.2.2) were released on October 19, 2017.
Download the latest updates for JDBC Driver 6.2 via the above links, GitHub, or Maven Central. Please update your projects to use the 6.2.2 release jars. For more information, view release notes for 6.2.1 and 6.2.2.
Azure AD support for Linux
Connect your Linux applications to Azure SQL Database by using Azure AD authentication via username/password and access token methods.
FIPS-enabled JVMs
The JDBC Driver can now be used on JVMs that run in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140 compliance mode to meet federal standards on compliance.
Kerberos authentication improvements
The JDBC Driver now has support for:
Principal/password method for applications where the Kerberos configuration can't be modified or can't retrieve a new token or keytab. This method can be used for authenticating to a SQL Server instance that allows only Kerberos authentication.
Cross-realm authentication that uses Kerberos Integrated Authentication without explicitly setting the server SPN. The driver now automatically computes the realm even when it isn't provided.
Kerberos Constrained Delegation by accepting impersonated user credentials as a GSS credential object via data source. This impersonated credential is then used to establish a Kerberos connection.
Added timeouts
The JDBC Driver now supports the following configurable timeouts. You can change them based on your application's needs.
Query timeout to control the number of seconds to wait before a timeout occurs when you're running a query.
Socket timeout to specify the number of milliseconds to wait before a timeout occurs on a socket read or accept.
Version number: 6.1.0
Released: November 17, 2016
Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.1 for SQL Server is fully compliant with JDBC specifications 4.1 and 4.2. This release is the initial open-source release of the JDBC Driver. The source code can be found at the GitHub v6.1.0 tag. It builds the mssql-jdbc-6.1.0.jre8.jar and mssql-jdbc-6.1.0.jre7.jar files, which correspond to Java version compatibility.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 for SQL Server is fully compliant with JDBC specifications 4.1 and 4.2. The jars in the 6.0 package are named according to their compliance with the JDBC API version. For example, the sqljdbc42.jar file from the 6.0 package is JDBC API 4.2 compliant. Similarly, the sqljdbc41.jar file is compliant with JDBC API 4.1.
To ensure that you have the right sqljdbc42.jar or sqljdbc41.jar file, run the following lines of code. If the output is "Driver version: 6.0.7507.100," you have the JDBC Driver 6.0 package.
The driver supports the Always Encrypted feature in SQL Server 2016. This feature ensures that sensitive data is never seen in plaintext in a SQL Server instance. Always Encrypted works by transparently encrypting the data in the application, so that SQL Server handles only the encrypted data and not plaintext values. Even if the SQL Server instance or the host machine is compromised, all an attacker can get is ciphertext of sensitive data. For details, see Using Always Encrypted with the JDBC Driver.
Internationalized domain names
The driver supports internationalized domain names (IDNs) for server names. For details, see "Using International Domain Names" in the International features of the JDBC Driver article.
Parameterized queries
The driver now supports retrieving parameter metadata with prepared statements for complex queries, such as subqueries and/or joins. This improvement is available only when you're using SQL Server 2012 and newer versions.
Azure Active Directory
Azure AD authentication is a mechanism of connecting to Azure SQL Database using identities in Azure AD. Use Azure AD authentication to centrally manage identities of database users and as an alternative to SQL Server authentication.
You can use JDBC Driver 6.0 to specify your Azure AD credentials in the JDBC connection string to connect to Azure SQL Database. For details, see the authentication property in the Setting the connection properties article.
Table-valued parameters
TVPs provide an easy way to marshal multiple rows of data from a client application to SQL Server without requiring multiple round trips or special server-side logic for processing the data. You can use TVPs to encapsulate rows of data in a client application and send the data to the server in a single parameterized command. The incoming data rows are stored in a table variable that you can then operate on by using Transact-SQL. For details, see Using table-valued parameters.
Always On Availability Groups
The driver now supports transparent connections to Always On Availability Groups. The driver quickly discovers the current Always On topology of your server infrastructure and connects to the current active server transparently.
Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.2 for SQL Server is fully compliant with JDBC specifications 4.1 and 4.2. The jars in the 4.2 package are named according to their compliance with the JDBC API version. For example, the sqljdbc42.jar file from the 4.2 package is JDBC API 4.2 compliant. Similarly, the sqljdbc41.jar file is compliant with JDBC API 4.1.
To ensure you have the right sqljdbc42.jar or sqljdbc41.jar file, run the following lines of code. If the output is "Driver version: 4.2.6420.100," you have the JDBC Driver 4.2 package.
You use the bulk copy feature to quickly copy large amounts of data into tables or views in SQL Server databases. For details, see Using bulk copy with the JDBC Driver.
XA transaction rollback option
The driver has new timeout options for existing automatic rollback of unprepared transactions. For details, see Understanding XA transactions.
SQL Server 2022 introduces a range of new features and enhancements, providing powerful tools and capabilities that optimize performance and offer better control on SQL objects manipulation and creation.