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Visual Studio 6.0 Default Shortcut Keys

The table below lists the default key combinations available for the Visual Studio 6.0 keyboard scheme. For information on changing default combinations see Customizing Shortcut Keys.

  • Global shortcut keys   Lists common shortcut key combinations as well as key combinations that can be used in a variety of places within the IDE.
  • Project shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations that can be used to add new items to a project, build a project, or open files or projects.
  • HTML designer shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when working in Design view and HTML view of the HTML Designer.
  • Debug shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when using the Debugger.
  • Search and replace shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when using the Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files dialog boxes.
  • Visual Database Tools shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when using the Query designer or Database designer.
  • Text navigation shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when moving within code in an open document.
  • Text selection shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when selecting text in an open document.
  • Text manipulation shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available when moving, deleting, or formatting text in an open document.
  • Window management shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations available for moving, closing, or navigating in tool and document windows.
  • Tool window shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations that display the various tool windows.
  • Control manipulation shortcut keys   Lists the shortcut key combinations that can be used to move, select, and change the size of controls on design surfaces.

Global shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used in various places within the integrated development environment (IDE).

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.CompleteWord CTRL + SPACE Fills in the rest of the word you are typing after you have entered enough characters for the Editor to identify the word you want.
Edit.Copy CTRL + C Copies the currently selected item to the system clipboard.
Edit.Cut CTRL + X
Removes the currently selected item to the system clipboard.
Edit.Delete DELETE Deletes one character to the right.
Edit.GotoNextLocation F12 Moves to the next entry in the Find Results or Task List windows.
Edit.GotoPreviousLocation SHIFT + F12 Moves back to the previous entry in the Find Results or Task List windows.
Edit.ListMembers CTRL + J Lists members of the current class for statement completion when editing code.
Edit.Paste CTRL + V
Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point.
Edit.QuickInfo CTRL + I Displays the complete declaration for the identifier nearest the insertion point in a ToolTip.
Edit.Redo CTRL + SHIFT + Z
Restores the previously undone action.
Edit.SelectionCancel ESC Closes a menu or dialog box, cancels an operation in progress, or places focus in the current document window.
Reverses the last editing action.
File.Print CTRL + P Displays the Print dialog box where you can choose printer settings.
File.SaveAll CTRL + SHIFT + S Saves all documents in the current solution and any files in the external files project.
File.SaveSelectedItems CTRL + S Saves the selected items in the current project.
Help.F1Help F1 Displays a Help topic for the user interface element currently selected.

Project shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used to add new items to a project, build a project, or open files or projects.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Build.BuildSolution CTRL + SHIFT + B Builds all of the projects in the solution using the current solution configuration.
File.NewFile CTRL + SHIFT + N Displays the New File dialog box where you can select a new file to add to the current project.
File.NewProject CTRL + N Displays a submenu listing the types of projects you can add to the currently open project. The icon changes to the last project type you added.
File.OpenFile CTRL + SHIFT + O Displays the Open File dialog box where you can select an existing file to open.
File.OpenProject CTRL + O Displays the Open Project dialog box where you can add new or existing projects to your solution.
Project.AddExistingItem CTRL + SHIFT + D Displays the Add Existing Item dialog box.
Project.AddNewItem CTRL + D Displays the Add New Item dialog box which allows you to select the items to be added to the current project.

HTML designer shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used only while editing in the HTML Designer. Certain key combinations are available only in a specific view of that designer.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.ParameterInfo CTRL + I Displays a ToolTip that contains information for the current parameter. Only available in HTML view of the HTML Designer.
Edit.ViewBottom CTRL + PAGE UP Moves to the bottom of the current document. Available only in HTML View of the HTML Editor.
Format.Bold CTRL + B Toggles the selected text between bold and normal. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.DecreaseIndent CTRL + SHIFT + T Removes an indent level previously applied with Increase Indent. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.IncreaseIndent CTRL + T Indents the selected paragraph by one indent unit. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.Italic CTRL + I Toggles the selected text between italic and normal. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.LockElement CTRL + SHIFT + K Prevents an absolutely positioned element from being inadvertently moved. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.SnapToGrid CTRL + SHIFT + G Specifies that elements are aligned using an invisible grid. You can set grid spacing on the Design pane of HTML Designer options in the Options dialog box, and the grid will be changed the next time you open a document. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.Underline CTRL + U Toggles the selected text between underlined and normal. Available only in Design view of the HTML Designer.
Format.InsertBookmark CTRL + SHIFT + L Displays the Bookmark dialog box, which allows you to create a target for jumps within the current document. Available in Design View and HTML View of the HTML Designer.
Format.ConverttoHyperlink CTRL + L When text is selected, displays the Hyperlink dialog box. Available in Design View and HTML view of the HTML Designer.

Debug shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used while debugging code.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Debug.BreakAll CTRL + BREAK Temporarily stops execution of all processes in a debugging session. Available only in Run mode.
Debug.Breakpoints CTRL + B Displays the Breakpoints dialog box, where you can add and modify breakpoints.
Debug.CallStack CTRL + ALT + C Displays the Call Stack window to present a list of all active procedures or stack frames for the current thread of execution. Available only in Run mode.
Debug.ClearAllBreakpoints CTRL + SHIFT + F9 Clears all of the breakpoints in the project.
Debug.EnableBreakpoints CTRL + F9 Sets a breakpoint at the current line.
Debug.Exceptions CTRL + SHIFT + E Displays the Exceptions dialog box.
Debug.Immediate CTRL + ALT + I Displays the Immediate window where you can evaluate expressions and execute individual commands.
Debug.Locals CTRL + ALT + L Displays the Locals window to view the variables and their values for each procedure in the current stack frame.
Debug.Processes CTRL + SHIFT + R Displays the Processes dialog box, which allows you to debug multiple programs at the same time in a single solution.
Debug.QuickWatch SHIFT + F9 Displays the Quick Watch dialog box with the current value of the selected expression. Available only in Break mode. Use this command to check the current value of a variable, property, or other expression for which you have not defined a watch expression.
Debug.Restart CTRL + SHIFT + F5 Terminates a debugging session, rebuilds, and then starts running the application from the beginning. Available in Break and Run modes.
Debug.RunningDocuments CTRL + ALT + R Displays the Running Documents window that shows the set of documents that you are in the process of debugging. Available in Run mode.
Debug.RunToCursor CTRL + F10 In Break mode resumes execution of your code from the current statement to the selected statement. The Current Line of Execution margin indicator appears in the Margin Indicator bar.
In Design mode starts the debugger and executes your code to the cursor location.
Debug.SetNextStatement CTRL + SHIFT + F10 Sets the execution point to the line of code you choose.
Debug.ShowNextStatement ALT + NUM* Highlights the next statement to be executed.
Debug.Start F5 Automatically attaches the debugger and runs the application from the startup form specified in the <Project> Properties dialog box. Changes to Continue if in Break mode.
Debug.StartWithoutDebugging CTRL + F5 Runs the code without invoking the debugger.
Debug.StepInto F11 Executes code one statement at a time, following execution into function calls.
Debug.StepOut SHIFT + F11 Executes the remaining lines of a function in which the current execution point lies.
Debug.StepOver F10 Executes the next line of code, but does not follow execution through any function calls.
Debug.StopDebugging SHIFT + F5 Stops running the current application in the program. Available in Break and Run modes.
Debug.Threads CTRL + ALT + H Displays the Threads window to view all of the threads for the current process and information about them.
Debug.ToggleBreakpoint F9 Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current line.
Debug.Watch1 CTRL + ALT + W, 1 Displays Watch1 window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions.
Debug.Watch2 CTRL + ALT + W, 2 Displays Watch2 window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions.
Debug.Watch3 CTRL + ALT + W, 3 Displays Watch3 window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions.
Debug.Watch4 CTRL + ALT + W, 4 Displays Watch4 window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions.

Search and replace shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used with the Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files dialog boxes.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.Find CTRL + F Displays the Find dialog box.
Edit.FindNext F3 Finds the next occurrence of the previous search text.
Edit.FindNextSelected CTRL + F3 Finds the next occurrence of the currently selected text in the document.
Edit.FindPrevious SHIFT + F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the search text.
Edit.FindPreviousSelected CTRL + SHIFT + F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text, or the word at the caret.
Edit.GoToFindCombo CTRL + SHIFT + F Places the caret in the Find/Command box on the Standard toolbar.
Edit.HiddenText ALT + F3, N Selects or clears the Search hidden text option in the Find and Replace dialog boxes.
Edit.MatchCase ALT + F3, C Selects or clears the Match Case option for find and replace operations.
Edit.RegularExpression ALT + F3, R Selects or clears the Regular expression option, which allows special characters to be used. Available only in the Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files dialog boxes as well as the Find/Command Box.
Edit.Replace CTRL + H Displays the Replace dialog box.
Edit.StopSearch ALT + F3, S Halts the current Find in Files operation.
Edit.Up ALT + F3, B Selects or clears the Search Up option for Find and Replace operations.
Edit.WholeWord ALT + F3, W Selects or clears the Match whole word option for Find and Replace operations. Available only in the Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files dialog boxes as well as the Find/Command Box.

Visual Database Tools shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used in the Database Designer or Query Designer.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Database.StepInto CTRL + E Steps into debug mode for the currently active database object.
Query.Run CTRL + R Executes the query. Available only in the Database Tools.

Text navigation shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used in text editors to move within an open document.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.CharLeft LEFT ARROW Moves the insertion point one character to the left.
Edit.CharRight RIGHT ARROW Moves the insertion point one character to the right.
Edit.DocumentEnd CTRL + END Moves the insertion point to the last line of the document.
Edit.DocumentStart CTRL + HOME Moves the insertion point to the first line of the document.
Edit.GoTo CTRL + G Displays the Go To Line dialog box.
Edit.GoToBrace CTRL + ] Moves the insertion point to the next brace in the document.
Edit.LineDown DOWN ARROW Moves the insertion point down one line.
Edit.LineEnd END Moves the insertion point to the end of the line.
Edit.LineStart HOME Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the line.
Edit.LineUp UP ARROW Moves the insertion point up one line.
Edit.NextBookmark CTRL + K, CTRL + N Moves to the next bookmark in the document.
Edit.PageDown PAGE DOWN Scrolls the document or window down one page.
Edit.PageUp PAGE UP Scrolls the document or window up one page.
Edit.PreviousBookmark CTRL + K, CTRL + P Moves to the previous bookmark.
Edit.ScrollLineDown CTRL + DOWN ARROW Scrolls text down one line.
Edit.ScrollLineUp CTRL + UP ARROW Scrolls text up one line.
Edit.ViewTop CTRL + PAGE UP Moves the cursor to the first line at the top of the current window. Only available in HTML View of the HTML Editor.
Edit.ViewWhiteSpace CTRL + R, CTRL + W Shows or hides spaces and tab marks.
Edit.WordNext CTRL + RIGHT ARROW Moves the insertion point right one word.
Edit.WordPrevious CTRL + LEFT ARROW Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.
View.ViewCode F7 Displays the selected item in Code view of the Editor.
View.ViewDesigner SHIFT + F7 Displays the selected item in Design view of an editor or designer.

Text selection shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used in text editors to select text within an open document.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.CharLeftExtend SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Selects text from the insertion point proceeding left.
Edit.CharRightExtend SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW Selects text from the insertion point proceeding left.
Edit.DocumentEndExtend CTRL + SHIFT + END Selects the text from the insertion point to the last line of the document.
Edit.DocumentStartExtend CTRL + SHIFT + HOME Selects the text from the insertion point to the first line of the document.
Edit.GoToBraceExtend CTRL + SHIFT + ] Extends the selection to the next brace.
Edit.LineDownExtend SHIFT + DOWN ARROW Extends text selection down one line, starting at the location of the insertion point. Available only in text editors.
Edit.LineEndExtend SHIFT + END Selects text from the insertion point to the end of the current line.
Edit.LineStartExtend SHIFT + HOME Selects text from the insertion point to the start of the line.
Edit.LineUpExtend SHIFT + UP ARROW Selects text up line by line starting from the location of the insertion point.
Edit.PageDownExtend SHIFT + PAGE DOWN Extends selection down one page.
Edit.PageUpExtend SHIFT + PAGE UP Extends selection up one page.
Edit.SelectAll CTRL + A Selects everything in the current document.
Edit.SelectCurrentWord CTRL + W Selects the word containing the insertion point or the word to the right of the insertion point.
Edit.ViewBottomExtend CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN Extends the selection down one page.
Edit.ViewTopExtend CTRL + SHIFT + PAGE UP Extends the selection to the top of the current window.
Edit.WordNextExtend CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW Extends the selection one word to the right.
Edit.WordPreviousExtend CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Selects the text and spaces from the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.

Text manipulation shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used in text editors to delete, move, or format text within an open document.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.BreakLine ENTER
Inserts a new line.
Edit.CharTranspose CTRL + T Transposes the character or space to the left of the insertion point with the character or space on the right. For example, wor|d would become wodr.
Edit.ClearBookmarks CTRL + K, CTRL + L Clears all bookmarks in the current document.
Edit.CompleteWord CTRL + SPACEBAR Fills in the rest of the word you are typing once you have entered enough characters for the Editor to identify the word you want.
Edit.DeleteBackwards BACKSPACE
Deletes one character to the left.
Edit.FormatSelection ALT + F8 Correctly indents the selected lines of code based on the surrounding lines of code.
Edit.InsertTab TAB Inserts 4 spaces to the left of the insertion point in the document.
Edit.LineCut CTRL + M Cuts the line containing the insertion point. Available only in text editors.
Edit.LineDelete CTRL + SHIFT + M Deletes the line containing the insertion point. Available only in text editors.
Edit.LineOpenAbove CTRL + ENTER Inserts a blank line above the insertion point. Available only in text editors.
Edit.LineOpenBelow CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER Inserts a blank line below the insertion point.
Edit.LineTranspose SHIFT + ALT + T Moves the line containing the insertion point below the next line.
Edit.MakeLowercase CTRL + U Changes the selected text to lowercase characters.
Edit.MakeUppercase CTRL + SHIFT + U Changes the selected text to uppercase characters.
Edit.OvertypeMode INSERT Types over any characters already in the document instead of inserting the characters.
Edit.ParameterInfo CTRL + SHIFT + I Displays a ToolTip that contains information for the current parameter.
Edit.TabifySelection CTRL + Q Replaces spaces with tabs in the selected text.
Edit.TabLeft SHIFT + TAB Moves selected lines left one tab stop.
Edit.ToggleBookmark CTRL + K, CTRL + K Sets or removes a bookmark at the current line.
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut CTRL + K, CTRL + H Sets or removes a shortcut at the current line.
Edit.UntabifySelection CTRL + SHIFT + Q Replaces tabs with spaces in selected text.
Edit.WordDeletetoEnd CTRL + DELETE Deletes the word to the right of the insertion point.
Edit.WordDeletetoStart CTRL + BACKSPACE Deletes the word to the left of the insertion point.
Edit.WordTranspose CTRL + SHIFT + T Transposes the word or line immediately right of the insertion point with the next word or line. For example, |End Sub would be changed to read Sub End|.

Window management shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used to move, close, or navigate within tool and document windows.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Window.ActivateDocumentWindow ESC Closes a menu or dialog box, cancels an operation in progress, or places focus in the current document window.
Window.CloseDocumentWindow CTRL + F4 Closes the currently selected document window.
Window.CloseToolWindow SHIFT + ESC Closes tool windows such as Task List and Toolbox.
Window.NextDocumentWindow CTRL + F6
Cycles through the MDI child windows one window at a time.
Window.NextPane ALT + F6 Moves to the next tool window.
Window.NextSplitPane F6 Moves to the next pane of a split pane view of a single document.
Window.NextTab CTRL + PAGE DOWN Moves to the next tab in the document or window.
Window.PreviousDocumentWindow CTRL + SHIFT + F6
Moves to the previous document in the Editor.
Window.PreviousPane SHIFT + ALT + F6 Moves to the previously selected window.
Window.PreviousSplitPane SHIFT + F6 Moves to the previous pane of a document in split pane view.
Window.PreviousTab CTRL + PAGE UP Moves to the previous tab in the document or window.

Tool window shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations allow you to display specific tool windows.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
View.DocumentOutline CTRL + ALT + T Displays the Document Outline window to view the flat or hierarchical outline of the current document.
View.ObjectBrowser CTRL + ALT + B


Displays the Object Browser to view the classes, properties, methods, events, and constants available for packages, and the object libraries and procedures in your project. F2 displays only the Object Browser when you are in an editor.
View.Output CTRL + ALT + O Displays the Output window, which displays build and other status information.
View.PropertiesWindow F4 Displays the Properties window.
View.PropertyPages SHIFT + F4 Displays the property pages for the item currently selected in the Solution Explorer window.
View.Refresh CTRL + R Updates the information currently displayed in the web browser window.
View.SolutionExplorer CTRL + ALT + J Displays the Solution Explorer window.
View.TaskList CTRL + ALT + K Displays the Task List window where you customize, categorize, and manage tasks, comments, shortcuts, warnings and error messages.
View.Toolbox CTRL + ALT + X Displays the Toolbox.

Control manipulation shortcut keys

The following shortcut key combinations can be used to move, select, and change the size of controls on design surfaces.

Command Name Shortcut Keys Description
Edit.MoveControlDown CTRL + DOWN ARROW Moves the selected control down in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor only.
Edit.MoveControlDownGrid DOWN ARROW Moves the selected control down in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.MoveControlLeft CTRL + LEFT ARROW Moves the control to the left in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.MoveControlLeft LEFT ARROW Moves the control to the left in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.MoveControlLeftGrid LEFT ARROW Moves the control to the left in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.MoveControlRight CTRL + RIGHT ARROW Moves the control to the right in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.MoveControlRight RIGHT ARROW Moves the control to the right in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.MoveControlRightGrid RIGHT ARROW Moves the control to the right in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.MoveControlUp CTRL + UP ARROW Moves the control up in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.MoveControlUp UP ARROW Moves the control up in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.MoveControlUpGrid UP ARROW Moves the control up in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.SelectNextControl TAB Selects the next control on the page.
Edit.SelectPreviousControl SHIFT + TAB Selects the previously selected control on the page.
Edit.SizeControlDown CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW Increases the height of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlDown SHIFT + DOWN ARROW Increases the height of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.SizeControlDownGrid SHIFT + DOWN ARROW Increases the height of the control in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlLeft CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Reduces the width of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlLeft SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Reduces the width of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.SizeControlLeftGrid SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Reduces the width of the control in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlRight CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW Increases the width of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlRight SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW Increases the width of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.SizeControlRightGrid SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW Increases the width of the control in increments of 8 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlUp CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROW Decreases the height of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface.
Edit.SizeControlUp SHIFT + UP ARROW Decreases the height of the control in increments of 1 on the design surface. Available only in the Dialog editor.
Edit.SizeControlUpGrid SHIFT + UP ARROW Decreases the height of the control in increments of 8 on the design surface.

See Also

My Profile, Start Page | Keyboard, Environment, Options Dialog Box | Shortcut Keys