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Replace Command

Replaces text in files using a subset of the options available in the Replace dialog box.

Edit.Replace findwhat replacewith[/all] [/case] [/doc|/proc|/open|/sel] [/hidden] [/options] [/reset] [/up] [/wild|/regex] [/word]


  • findwhat
    Required. The text to search for.
  • replacewith
    Required. The text to replace the search text.


  • /all or /a
    Optional. Replaces all occurrences of the search text with the replacement text. This is similar to the Replace All In dialog box.
  • /case or /c
    Optional. Matches occur only if when the uppercase and lowercase characters exactly match those specified in the findwhat argument.
  • /doc or /d
    Optional. Searches the current document only. Specify only one of the available search scopes, /doc, /proc, /open, or /sel.
  • /hidden or /h
    Optional. Searches concealed and collapsed text, such as the metadata of a design-time control, a hidden region of an outlined document, or a collapsed class or method.
  • /open or /o
    Optional. Searches all open documents as if they were one document. Specify only one of the available search scopes, /doc, /proc, /open, or /sel.
  • /options or /t
    Optional. Displays a list of the current find option settings and does not perform a search.
  • /proc or /p
    Optional. Searches the current procedure only. Specify only one of the available search scopes, /doc, /proc, /open, or /sel.
  • /regex or /r
    Optional. Uses pre-defined special characters in the findwhat argument as notations that represent patterns of text rather than the literal characters. For a complete list of regular expression characters, see Regular Expressions.
  • /reset or /e
    Optional. Returns the find options to their default settings and does not perform a search.
  • /sel or /s
    Optional. Searches the current selection only. Specify only one of the available search scopes, /doc, /proc, /open, or /sel.
  • /up or /u
    Optional. Searches from the current location in the file toward the top of the file. By default, searches begin at the current location in the file and advance toward the bottom of the file.
  • /wild or /l
    Optional. Uses pre-defined special characters in the findwhat argument as notations to represent a character or sequence of characters. For a complete list of wildcard characters, see Wildcards.
  • /word or /w
    Optional. Searches only for whole words.


This example replaces btnSend with btnSubmit in all open documents.

>Edit.Replace btnSend btnSubmit /open

See Also

Visual Studio Commands with Arguments | Command Window | Find/Command Box | Replace Dialog Box | Pre-defined Visual Studio Command Aliases