Visual Studio Installer Error Messages


This section contains reference information on Microsoft® Visual Studio® Installer error messages. These error messages include:

<Merge module name> merge module contains the file <file name>. It is recommended that the merge module be used instead of the file.

Build failed (<error message text>).

Build of <project name> failed. Cannot find the project file.

Build of <project name> failed. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 or later is required.

Build of <project name> failed. Project cannot be built, or is open in Visual Basic.

Build of <project name> failed. The solution does not contain the project.

Cannot add (or refresh) project outputs. Cannot find project file.

Cannot add (or refresh) project outputs. Cannot find the Package and Deploy wizard. Visual Studio Installer uses the Microsoft Visual Basic Package and Deploy wizard to compute dependencies of Visual Basic projects.

Cannot add (or refresh) project outputs. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 or later version is required.

Cannot add (or refresh) project outputs. The project has a version which is not supported.

Cannot add project outputs. Cannot read project file <file name>.

Cannot change property. Command property of the object is invalid. The file does not exist. Select another command.

Cannot create a project. Cannot find dialog templates file <file name> for the selected language.

Cannot refresh project outputs.

Cannot refresh project outputs. Cannot find the project file.

Cannot refresh project outputs. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 or later is required.

Cannot refresh project outputs. The solution does not contain the project.

Cannot rename the folder. A folder with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different folder name.

Cannot rename the folder. The folder <folder name> already exists. Specify a different folder name.

Cannot rename the object. Command property of the object is invalid. The file does not exist. Select another command.

Cannot rename the object. Object with the same name already exists. Specify a different object name.

Cannot select the file. The file no longer exists.

Cannot select the folder. The folder no longer exists.

Cannot select the shortcut. The shortcut no longer exists.

Cannot write in <folder name>.

Dependency information could not be found for <file name>.

Error opening installer project. Project file is not compatible.

Error while processing the following file: <file name>. <Error message text.>

Error while processing the following file: <file name>. The disk is full.

Error while processing the following file: <file name>. The file already exists on the media.

File not found. The file that this item references cannot be found.

Invalid Build property. Output file name is not a valid file name.

Invalid Build property. Output folder <folder name> is not a valid folder.

Invalid Build property. Specify the custom media Cluster size.

Invalid Build property. Specify the custom Media size.

Invalid Build property. Specify the Output file name.

Invalid folder name. Folder already exists in the search path. Specify another folder name.

Invalid folder name. Folder does not exist. Specify valid folder path.

Invalid Installation Folder Location. Specify a Folder from the drop-down list.

Invalid Installation Folder property. Default installation folder must be a valid folder name.

Invalid Installation Folder property. Specify the default installation folder.

Invalid Launch Condition. Specified launch condition value already exists.

Invalid Product Information Module signature. Specify the Module signature.

Invalid Product Information Module signature. The Module signature is invalid. Module signature may contain letters, digits, underscores (_), or periods (.). However, every identifier must begin with either a letter or an underscore.

Invalid Product Information Name. Specify the name of the application.

Invalid Product Information Product Code. Specify the product code of the application.

Invalid Product Information Product Code. The product code <code> is not a valid GUID.

Invalid Product Information Upgrade Code. The Upgrade code <code> is not a valid GUID.

Invalid Product Information Version. Specify the version number. The correct format is 'a.b.c.d' where each letter is a positive integer.

Invalid Product Information Version. The version number <number> is not in the correct format. The correct format is 'a.b.c.d' where each letter is a positive integer.

Invalid project file. The project file entered does not exist. Check file name and reenter.

Invalid registry key name. Cannot rename <key>. The specified key name contains invalid characters. Specify a different registry key.

Merge Package cannot contain dialogs. Dialogs will be ignored.

No component selected. Select a component.

One or more files in <merge module name> have different versions than those installed on this machine.

One or more launch conditions failed to build.

Project already open. Another user is editing this project. Select another location to save your project to.

Project already open. Another user is editing this project. You will not be able to save your changes if you continue. Do you want to load the project anyway?

Remove project outputs? Project <installer project name> contains outputs of <project name> project you are removing. Would you like to remove them from <installer project name>?

The <merge module name> merge module referenced as a dependency of another merge module is not included in the project.

The COM object <COM object> is invalid.

The COM objects failed to build.

The copy of file <file name> into the install package failed.

The document type <document type> is invalid.

The document type collection is invalid.

The extension <extension> is invalid.

The extension collection failed to build.

The file <file name> has the same 'Target' property as one or more files in the same folder.

The file <file name> is invalid.

The file collection failed to build.

The folder <folder name> is invalid.

The folder collection failed to build.

The install dialog <dialog name> is invalid.

The launch condition <condition> is invalid.

The MIME type <MIME type> is invalid.

The MIME types failed to build.

The module <merge module name> is invalid or the module is being edited.

The module collection failed to build.

The network install dialog <dialog name> is invalid.

The property <folder name> of file <file name> is invalid..

The property <property> in install dialog <dialog name> is invalid.

The property <property> in network install dialog <dialog name> is invalid.

The property <property> in verb <verb> of extension <extension> is invalid.

The property <property> of COM object <COM object> is invalid.

The property <property> of document type <document type> is invalid.

The property <property> of extension <extension> is invalid.

The property <property> of folder <folder name> is invalid.

The property <property> of MIME type <MIME type> is invalid.

The property <property> of module <merge module name> is invalid or the module is being edited.

The property <property> of registry key <key> is invalid.

The property <property> of registry value <value> of key <key> is invalid.

The property <property> of shortcut <shortcut name> is invalid.

The property <property> of type library <type library> is invalid.

The registry collection failed to build.

The registry key <key> is invalid.

The registry value <value> of key <key> is a duplicate of another registry value.

The registry value <value> of key <key> is invalid.

The shortcut <shortcut name> is invalid.

The shortcut collection failed to build.

The type library <type library> is invalid.

The type library collection failed to build.

The verb <verb> of extension <extension> is invalid.

The verb collection failed to build.

There are files and folders within a folder with the same name <name>.

Unable to copy temporary output file to <output file name>.

Unable to create registry key. This registry key already exists. Specify another registry key.

Unknown error.

Visual Studio Installer can not save the installer project. There may not be sufficient space on your disk. Free some space on the disk, then try again to save the installer project.

Visual Studio Installer Internal Error.