Visual InterDev


Allows you to set Web project options, such as link repair and new page templates.

The project options can be set from the Options dialog box on the Tools menu in the Web Project tab of Projects.


Project options

Create Global.asa for new Web projects

Select to create a file automatically for any new project you create. You can add event procedures to this file, which run code when the application starts or ends, or when a session starts or ends.

For information about storing data connection information, see .

Remove local copies when checking in files

Select to remove copies of files on your local machine when you check files back into source control.

Get new files when synchronizing with the master Web project

Select to automatically place a read-only copy of any new files added by other users to the Web project on your local machine when you use the Synchronize command.

Exclude these file types when deploying to a deployment target

Select to specify the file extensions to be excluded during file deployment. For example, enter *.wdm to exclude site diagram files from file deployment.

Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ repairs links for files located in the current Web project only.

Repair links in referring files

Select to repair links automatically when you move or rename any file or folder in a project. Links in the moved or renamed files, as well as links in files that refer to the moved or renamed files, are updated with the new file name or path.

When this option is chosen and you change the name or location of a file, Visual InterDev changes the file and may add unexpected white space to the page.

Don't repair links in referring files

Select to disable automatic link repair. Links in the moved or renamed files are updated, but links in files that refer to the moved or renamed files are not updated.

You should manually update the links in referring files following a move or rename operation. Use Link View to identify links in referring files for the moved or renamed file. For more information, see Identifying Broken Links.

Ask me each time

Select to have a dialog box prompt you to enable or disable link repair for that operation in files that refer to the moved or renamed files. Whenever you move or rename a file or folder, automatically repairs links in the moved or renamed files.

When opening a file

Get write-enabled

Select to create a write-enabled working copy of any file you open when there is no prior working copy of that file if a Web project is under source control.

Get read-only

Select to create a read-only local copy of any file you open when there is no prior working copy of that file if a Web project is under source control.

Ask me each time

Select to have a dialog box prompt you to choose between a read-only or write-enabled copy of any file you open if a Web project is under source control.

Site diagrams

Use system colors

Select to display site diagrams using your default system colors.