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About the order of events

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The following events occur in the order specified when a user completes an action.

Events When
Open A form is opened to compose an .
Send, Write, Close An item is sent.
Write, Close An item is posted.
Write An item is saved.
Close An item is closed.
Read, Open An item is opened in a folder.
Reply A user replies to an item's sender.
ReplyAll A user replies to an item's sender and all recipients.
Forward The newly-created item is passed to the procedure after the user selects the Forward action for an item.
PropertyChange One of the item's standard properties is changed.
CustomPropertyChange One of the item's custom properties is changed.
CustomAction A user-defined action is initiated.

The Click event occurs only when you have defined it for a control in the Script Editor.