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VerticalPercentScrolled Property

Returns or sets the vertical scroll position as a percentage of the document length. Read/write Long.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example displays the percentage that the active window is scrolled vertically.

MsgBox ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.VerticalPercentScrolled & "%"

This example scrolls the active window vertically by 10 percent.

Set aWindow = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow
aWindow.VerticalPercentScrolled = _
    aWindow.VerticalPercentScrolled + 10

This example vertically scrolls the active pane of the window for Document1 to the end.

With Windows("Document1")
    .ActivePane.VerticalPercentScrolled = 100
End With

Applies to | Pane Object | Window Object

See Also | HorizontalPercentScrolled Property | LargeScroll Method | SmallScroll Method