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ScrollIntoView Method

Scrolls through the document window so the specified range or shape is displayed in the document window.

expression**.ScrollIntoView(Obj, Start)**

expression Required. An expression that returns a Window object.

Obj    Required Object. A Range or Shape object.

Start    Optional Boolean. True if the top left corner of the range or shape appears at the top left corner of the document window. False if the bottom right corner of the range or shape appears at the bottom right corner of the document window. The default value is True.


If the range or shape is larger than the document window, the Start argument specifies which portion of the range or shape displays or gets initial focus. This method cannot be used with outline view.


This example scrolls through the active document so that the current selection is visible in the document window.

ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView Selection.Range, True

Applies to | Window Object

See Also | GetPoint Method | RangeFromPoint Method