Segments Property

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Returns a ChSegments object that represents the collection of segments in the specified format map.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChFormatMap object.


This example binds Chartspace1 to the Order Details table in the SQL Server Northwind database. Then, a format map is created. The smaller values are displayed in white, then larger values are displayed in a light shade of blue, and finally the larger values in the chart are displayed with in dark blue.

  Sub Window_Onload()

    Dim serSeries1
    Dim segSegment1
    Dim chconstants

    Set chconstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

    ' The following two lines of code bind Chartspace1 to the Order Details table in the
    ' Northwind SQL Server database.
    ChartSpace1.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;persist Security Info=TRUE;User ID=sa;Initial " & _
                                   "Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=DataServer;PASSWORD=;"
    ChartSpace1.DataMember = "Order Details"

    ' The following two lines of code bind Chartspace1 to the Quantity and ProductID fields
    ' in the Order Details table.
    ChartSpace1.SetData chconstants.chDimCategories, chconstants.chDataBound, "ProductID"
    ChartSpace1.SetData chconstants.chDimValues, chconstants.chDataBound, "Quantity"

    ' Create a format map.
    ChartSpace1.SetData chconstants.chDimFormatValues, chconstants.chDataBound, "Quantity"

    ' Set a variable to the first series in the first chart in Chartspace1.
    Set serSeries1 = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0)

    ' Add a segment to the format map.
    Set segSegment1 = serSeries1.FormatMap.Segments.Add

    ' Specify that the divisions in formatting be created automatically.
    segSegment1.HasAutoDivisions = True

    ' Measure the segment boundaries based upon a percentage.
    segSegment1.Begin.ValueType = chconstants.chBoundaryValuePercent
    segSegment1.End.ValueType = chconstants.chBoundaryValuePercent

    ' Set the beginning value to 0%, and the ending value to 100%.
    segSegment1.Begin.Value = 0
    segSegment1.End.Value = 1

    ' Format the interior of the matching values.
    segSegment1.Begin.Interior.Color = "White"
    segSegment1.End.Interior.Color = "Blue"

End Sub