Index Property

Index property as it applies to the HeaderFooter object.


WdHeaderFooterIndex can be one of these WdHeaderFooterIndex constants.
wdHeaderFooterEvenPages Returns all headers or footers on even-numbered pages.
wdHeaderFooterFirstPage Returns the first header or footer in a document or section.
wdHeaderFooterPrimary Returns the header or footer on all pages other than the first page of a document or section.


expression Required. An expression that returns a HeaderFooter object.

Index property as it applies to all other objects in the Applies To list.

Returns a Long that represents the position of an item in a collection. Read-only.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list as mentioned above.


As it applies to the Field object.

This example returns the position of the selected field in the Fields collection.

num = Selection.Fields(1).Index

As it applies to the HeaderFooter object.

This example adds a shape to the first page header in the active document if the specified variable references the first page header.

Sub ChangeFirstPageFooter()
    Dim hdrFirstPage As HeaderFooter

    Set hdrFirstPage = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage)

    If hdrFirstPage.Index = wdHeaderFooterFirstPage Then
        With hdrFirstPage.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeHeart, _
                Left:=36, Top:=36, Width:=36, Height:=36)
            .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(Red:=255, Green:=0, Blue:=0)
        End With
    End If

End Sub

As it applies to the Variable object.

This example adds a document variable to the active document and then returns the position of the specified variable in the Variables collection.

Set myVar = ActiveDocument.Variables.Add(Name:="Name", _
num = myVar.Index

As it applies to the Window object.

This example returns the number of the first window in the Windows collection. If there are at least two windows in the Windows collection, the macro activates the next window, copies the first word, switches back to the original window, and inserts the Clipboard contents there.

Set myWindow = Windows(1)
winNum = myWindow.Index
If Windows.Count >= 2 Then
End If

Applies to | AddIn Object | AutoCaption Object | AutoCorrectEntry Object | AutoTextEntry Object | Column Object | Comment Object | CustomLabel Object | EmailSignatureEntry Object | Endnote Object | Field Object | FirstLetterException Object | Footnote Object | HangulAndAlphabetException Object | HeaderFooter Object | ListEntry Object | ListLevel Object | MailMergeDataField Object | MailMergeFieldName Object | MappedDataField Object | OtherCorrectionsException Object | PageNumber Object | Pane Object | RecentFile Object | Revision Object | Row Object | Section Object | StyleSheet Object | TableOfAuthoritiesCategory Object | TwoInitialCapsException Object | Variable Object | Version Object | Window Object

See Also | Count Property | Item Method | WindowNumber Property