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InsertSymbol Method [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Returns a TextRange object that represents a symbol inserted in place of the specified range or selection.

expression.InsertSymbol(FontName, CharIndex)

expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

FontName  Required String. The name of the font that contains the symbol.

CharIndex  Required Long. The Unicode character number for the specified symbol.


If you don't want to replace the range or selection, use the Collapse method before you use this method.


This example inserts a double-headed arrow at the insertion point.

Sub InsertArrow()
    ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange _
        .Paragraphs(Start:=1, Length:=1).Select

    With Selection.TextRange
        .Collapse Direction:=pbCollapseStart
        .InsertSymbol FontName:="Symbol", CharIndex:=171
    End With

End Sub

Applies to | TextRange Object