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URL Property

As it applies to the SharedWorkspace object.

Returns the top-level Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the shared workspace. Read-only String.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a SharedWorkspace object.


The URL property returns the address of the shared workspace in this format: http://server/sites/user/workspace/.

The URL property returns a URL-encoded string. For example, a space in the folder name is represented by %20. Use a simple function like the following example to replace this escaped character with a space.

Private Function URLDecode(URLtoDecode As String) As String
    URLDecode = Replace(URLtoDecode, "%20", " ")
End Function

As it applies to the SharedWorkspaceFile object.

Returns the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and file name of the shared workspace file. Read-only String.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a SharedWorkspaceFile object.


The URL property returns the address of the shared workspace file in this format: http://server/sites/user/workspace/Shared%Documents/MyWorkbook.xls.

The URL property returns a URL-encoded string. For example, a space in the folder name is represented by %20.

The SharedWorkspaceFile object does not have a Name or FileName property. The filename must be extracted from the URL property. Use simple functions as in the following example to extract the filename and to decode spaces in the URL.

Private Function FilenameFromURL(FileURL As String) As String
    Dim intLastSeparator As Integer
    FileURL = URLDecode(FileURL)
    intLastSeparator = InStrRev(FileURL, "/")
    FilenameFromURL = Right(FileURL, Len(FileURL) - intLastSeparator)
End Function

Private Function URLDecode(URLtoDecode As String) As String
    URLDecode = Replace(URLtoDecode, "%20", " ")
End Function

Returns or sets the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the link saved in the shared workspace. Read/write String.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a SharedWorkspaceLink object.


Use the URL property of the SharedWorkspaceLink object to retrieve the web address saved in the shared workspace link. Use the optional Description and Notes properties to retrieve additional information about the link.

The URL property returns a URL-encoded string. For example, a space in the folder name is represented by %20. Use a simple function like the following example to replace this escaped character with a space.

Private Function URLDecode(URLtoDecode As String) As String
    URLDecode = Replace(URLtoDecode, "%20", " ")
End Function


As it applies to the SharedWorkspace object.

As it applies to the SharedWorkspaceFile object.

The following example locates all Microsoft Excel workbooks in the SharedWorkspaceFiles collection by examining the URL property of each file for the "xls" file extension.

    Dim strExcelFiles As String
    Dim swsFile As Office.SharedWorkspaceFile
    For Each swsFile In ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Files
        If Right(swsFile.URL, 3) = "xls" Then
            strExcelFiles = strExcelFiles & swsFile.URL & vbCrLf
        End If
    MsgBox "Excel Files: " & vbCrLf & strExcelFiles, _
        vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Excel Files in Shared Workspace"

The following example lists all files in the shared workspace, using supporting functions to extract their filenames from the URL and to convert URL-encoded spaces from %20 to a space character.

    Dim swsFile As Office.SharedWorkspaceFile
    Dim strFileList As String
    For Each swsFile In ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Files
        strFileList = "Filename: " & FilenameFromURL(swsFile.URL) & _
            vbCrLf & " URL: " & URLDecode(swsFile.URL) & vbCrLf
    MsgBox strFileList, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Files in Shared Workspace"
    Set swsFile = Nothing

Private Function FilenameFromURL(FileURL As String) As String
    Dim intLastSeparator As Integer
    FileURL = URLDecode(FileURL)
    intLastSeparator = InStrRev(FileURL, "/")
    FilenameFromURL = Right(FileURL, Len(FileURL) - intLastSeparator)
End Function

Private Function URLDecode(URLtoDecode As String) As String
    URLDecode = Replace(URLtoDecode, "%20", " ")
End Function

The following example locates all links to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) web site in the SharedWorkspaceLinks collection by examining the URL property of each link for the string "msdn".

    Dim strMSDNLinks As String
    Dim swsLink As Office.SharedWorkspaceLink
    For Each swsLink In ActiveWorkbook.SharedWorkspace.Links
        If InStr(swsLink.URL, "msdn", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
            strMSDNLinks = strMSDNLinks & swsLink.URL & vbCrLf
        End If
    MsgBox "MSDN Links: " & vbCrLf & strMSDNLinks, _
        vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "MSDN Links in Shared Workspace"

Applies to | SharedWorkspace Object | SharedWorkspaceFile Object | SharedWorkspaceLink Object