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ModifiedBy Property

As it applies to the DocumentLibraryVersion object.

Returns the name of the user who last saved the specified version of the shared document to the server. Read-only String.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a DocumentLibraryVersion object.

Returns the name of the user who last modified the object. Read-only String.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a SharedWorkspaceFile, SharedWorkspaceLink, or SharedWorkspaceTask object.


For shared workspace objects, the ModifiedBy property returns the friendly name stored in the Name property of the SharedWorkspaceMember object.

The SharedWorkspaceFolder and SharedWorkspaceMember objects do not have a ModifiedBy property.


As it applies to the DocumentLibraryVersion object.

As it applies to the SharedWorkspaceFile, SharedWorkspaceLink, and SharedWorkspaceTask objects.

Applies to | DocumentLibraryVersion Object | SharedWorkspaceFile Object | SharedWorkspaceLink Object | SharedWorkspaceTask Object