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AddWebNavigationBar Method [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Adds a Shape object of type pbWebNavigationBar to the current page of a publication.

expression.AddWebNavigationBar(Name, Left, Top, [Width])

expression Required. An expression that returns a Shape object.

Name  Required String. The name of the WebNavigationBarSet object to be added to the specified Shape.

Left  Required Variant. The position of the left edge of the shape representing the Web navigation bar set.

Top  Required Variant. The position of the top edge of the shape representing the Web navigation bar set.

Width  Optional Variant. The width of the shape representing the Web navigation bar set.


TheAddWebNavigationBar method does not create a new Web navigation bar set. It adds an existing set from the WebNavigationBarSets collection with the name passed in as the Name parameter.


The following example adds a WebNavigationBarSet to the active document.

Dim shpShape As Shape
ActiveDocument.WebNavigationBarSets.AddSet Name:="NavBar", AutoUpdate:=True
Set shpShape = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddWebNavigationBar _
    (Name:="NavBar", Left:=10, Top:=25)

Applies to | Shapes Collection