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BalloonType Property

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MsoBalloonType can be one of these MsoBalloonType constants.


This example creates an instruction balloon that explains how to select a printer. The balloon is modeless, so the user can follow the instructions in the balloon and keep the balloon visible as he or she works.

Set bln = Assistant.NewBalloon
With bln
    .Heading = "Instructions for Choosing a Printer."
    .Text = "Click OK when you've chosen a printer."
    .Labels(1).Text = "From the File menu, choose Print."
    .Labels(2).Text = "Click Setup."
    .Labels(3).Text = "Select the name of the printer."
    .BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeNumbers
    .Mode = msoModeModeless
    .Callback = "ProcessPrinter"
    .Button = msoButtonSetOK
End With

Applies to | Balloon Object

See Also | Balloon Object | BalloonError Property | Creating and Modifying Balloons