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ncssBookmark Property

Returns or sets a String that specifies an HTML bookmark for a given element. Bookmarks are used to provide a navigation or reference point within an HTML document.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example specifies new text for the active document, creates a new IFPStyleState object, and then sets a bookmark for the new text.

Sub SetBookMark()
    Dim objSs As IFPStyleState
    Dim objDoc As FPHTMLDocument
    Dim objRng As IHTMLTxtRange
    Dim objSl As IFPStyleLength
    Set objDoc = Application.ActiveDocument
    objDoc.body.innerHTML = "<b>Introduction</b>"
    Set objSs = objDoc.createStyleState
    Set objRng = objDoc.body.createTextRange
    objSs.gather objRng
    objSs.ncssBookmark = "#Intro"

End Sub

Applies to | IFPStyleState Object