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listStyle Property

Returns or sets a String that represents the setting for a liststyle attribute for an inline style.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The String value for the listStyle property can be a space-delimited list of up to three of the following, in any order:

Value Description
type Any of the range of type values available to the listStyleType property.
position Any of the range of position values available to the listStylePosition property.
image Any of the range of image values available to the listStyleImage property.


The following example inserts an ordered list into the active document and sets the list style properties to show an uppercase Roman numeral so that wrapped lines are not even with the number.

Sub SetOrderedListProperties()
    Dim objList As FPHTMLOListElement
    Dim strList As String
    strList = "<ol id=""neworderedlist""><li>item1</li>" & _
    ActiveDocument.activeElement.insertAdjacentHTML _
        where:="afterbegin", HTML:=strList
    Set objList = ActiveDocument.all.tags("ol").Item _
    objList.Style.listStyle = "upper-roman outside"
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLStyle Object | IHTMLRuleStyle Object | IHTMLStyle Object