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OvertimeRate Property

Returns or sets the overtime rate of a resource. Read/write Variant.


The OvertimeRate property does not return any meaningful information for material resources. Setting a value returns a trappable error (error code 1101) when applied to material resources.


The following example sets the current overtime rate of each resource in the active project to 1.5 times its standard rate.

Sub SetOverTimeRate()

    Dim R As Resource       ' Resource object used in For Each loop
    Dim StdRate As Double   ' Numeric value of resource's standard rate
    Dim Count As Integer    ' Counter used in For Next loop
    Dim FirstNumber As Integer  ' Position of the first number

    For Each R In ActiveProject.Resources
        ' Find the first character that is a number
        For Count = 1 To Len(R.StandardRate)
            If IsNumeric(Mid(R.StandardRate, Count, 1)) Then
                FirstNumber = Count - 1
                Exit For
             End If
        Next Count

        ' Strip off any leading currency symbol and then use the
        ' Val function to ignore any characters that follow the number
        StdRate = Val(Right$(R.StandardRate, Len(R.StandardRate) - FirstNumber))
        ' Set the overtime rate
        R.OvertimeRate = 1.5 * StdRate
    Next R
End Sub

Applies to | PayRate Object, PayRates Collection Object | Resource Object, Resources Collection Object

See Also | AccrueAt Property | CostPerUse Property | EffectiveDate Property | OvertimeWork Property | PayRates Property | StandardRate Property