SetTaskField Method

Sets the value of a task field.


expression**.SetTaskField(Field, Value, AllSelectedTasks, Create, TaskID, ProjectName)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Field    Required String. The name of the task field to set.

Value    Required String. The value of the task field.

AllSelectedTasks    Optional Boolean. True if the value of the field is set for all selected tasks. False if the value is set for the active task. The default value is False.

Create    Optional Boolean. True if Microsoft Office Project 2003 should create a new task if the active cell is on an empty row. The default value is True.

TaskID    Optional Long. The identification number of the task containing the field to set. If AllSelectedTasks is True, TaskID is ignored.

ProjectName    Optional String. If the active project is a consolidated project, specifies the name of the project for the task specified by TaskID. If TaskID is not specified, ProjectName is ignored. The default value is the name of the active project.

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | SetField Method | SetMatchingField Method | SetResourceField Method