AppSize Method

Sets the width and height of the main window.


expression**.AppSize(Width, Height, Points)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Width    Optional Long. A number that specifies the new width of the main window.

Height    Optional Long. A number that specifies the new height of the main window.

Points    Optional Boolean. True if Width and Height are measured in points. False if they are measured in pixels. The default value is False.


The following example moves the main window of Microsoft Office Project 2003 to the left half of the screen.

Sub MoveMainWindowToLeftHalf()

    Dim WindowHeight As Long
    ' Remember the height when maximized.
    Application.WindowState = pjMaximized
    WindowHeight = Application.Height
    AppSize Width:=UsableWidth / 2, Height:=UsableHeight, Points:=True
    Application.Left = 0
    ' Make sure the window uses all the available height.
    If Application.Height < WindowHeight Then Application.Height = WindowHeight
End Sub

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | AppExecute Method | AppMaximize Method | AppMinimize Method | AppMove Method | AppRestore Method