Using the PDS with Multiple Project Server Sites

You can configure Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 to host more than one site in an organization, or as an application service provider for multiple organizations. Each Project Server site has its own Microsoft SQL Serverâ„¢ database, to support multiple instances of Project Web Access. The Edit Site Utility (EditSiteDownload.exe) to create multiple Project Server sites is available from the Microsoft Download Center.

To enable SOAP support for the Project Data Service code base and extensions in all of the hosted sites, you need to provide each site with a copy of the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file pds.wsdl, which has the correct URL of the virtual directory. You also must provide each site a copy of the associated Web Services Meta Language (WSML) file, pds.wsml.

Note The purpose of making a copy of the WSDL and WSML files for each site is to enable the PDS to access the correct database associated with the site.

The Service for Enterprise Data Maintenance (EDM) is a higher-level interface that aggregates PDS calls. To enable SOAP support for the Service for EDM, you need to provide copies of the pdsbiz.wsdl and pdsbiz.wsml files for each additional virtual directory. The Service for EDM includes a Connector Service that supports file drop directories for sending XML requests and receiving replies; you can also configure the file drop service to handle multiple Project Server sites.

To use the PDS for multiple hosted sites:

Do the following steps for each additional site.

  1. In Project Server's IIS Virtual Root directory, copy the file pds.wsdl to another file name with the .wsdl extension, in the same directory. It helps to remember the purpose of the file if you include the hosted site name in the file name. For example, if the Project Server virtual directory is Sales, name the file pdsSales.wsdl. Enter the following commands in a Command Prompt window:

    cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Project Server 2003\IIS Virtual Root
    copy pds.wsdl pdsSales.wsdl
  2. Copy the file pds.wsml to the same file name in that directory, with a .wsml extension. For example:

    copy pds.wsml pdsSales.wsml
  3. Edit the new .wsdl file to include the virtual directory name. For example, following is the original <service> element in the pds.wsdl file:

    <service name="PDS">
       <port name="CMainSoapPort" binding="wsdlns:CMainSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://ServerName/ProjectServer/PDS.WSDL"/>

    The <soap> element in the pdsSales.wsdl file is edited to show the URL of the .wsdl file for the Sales site:

    <service name="PDS">
       <port name="CMainSoapPort" binding="wsdlns:CMainSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://ServerName/Sales/pdsSales.WSDL"/>

To use the Service for EDM with SOAP or HTTP for multiple hosted sites:

Do the following steps for each additional site:

  1. Copy the file pdsbiz.wsdl to another file name with the .wsdl extension, in the same directory. For the Sales virtual directory example, name the file pdsbizSales.wsdl. Enter the following commands in a Command Prompt window:

    cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Project Server 2003\IIS Virtual Root
    copy pdsbiz.wsdl pdsbizSales.wsdl
  2. Copy the file pdsbiz.wsml to the same file name in that directory, with a .wsml extension. For example:

    copy pdsbiz.wsml pdsbizSales.wsml
  3. Edit the new .wsdl file to include the virtual directory name. For example, following is the original <service> element in the pdsbiz.wsdl file:

    <service name="PdsBiz">
       <port name="PdsBizSubmitSoapPort" binding="wsdlns:PdsBizSubmitSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://ServerName/ProjectServer/PDSBIZ.WSDL"/>

    The <soap> element in the pdsbizSales.wsdl file is edited to show the URL of the Service for EDM .wsdl file for the Sales site:

    <service name="PDS">
       <port name="CMainSoapPort" binding="wsdlns:CMainSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://ServerName/Sales/SalesPdsbiz.WSDL"/>

To use the EDM file drop Connector Service from another hosted site:

You can configure the Service for EDM to use file drop directories for processing requests and replies. With additional Project Server hosted sites, all you need to do is specify another set of entries in the registry for each site that you want to use with the file drop Connector Service.

For more information on the Service for EDM see About the Service for EDM. For more information on how to add file drop registry entries, see Configuring the Service for EDM.