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IsGroupNameConflict Method


Checks whether the specified group name already exists in the Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 database, using the Project Server security object. If the group exists, IsGroupNameConflict also verifies that the group GUID matches the name.


Function IsGroupNameConflict( _
   ByVal grp_guid As String, _
   ByVal bstrGrpName As String _
) As Long


Parameter Description


Required String. The group GUID, as in MSP_WEB_SECURITY_GROUPS.WSEC_GRP_GUID.


Required String. The group name.

Return Value

The IsGroupNameConflict method returns HRESULT as a Long (4-byte integer) value. A return value of 0 means there is no group name conflict. Any other return value, such as -2147467259, shows a conflict.


The following example is for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

Dim lResult as Long
Set oSec = CreateObject("PjSvrSecurity.PjSvrSecurity")
oSec.SetDBConnection "ProjectServer"
lResult = oSec.IsGroupNameConflict("{97361FE9-0E4A-48BF-8396-0D73AA6B3415}", "Team Leads")
Set oSec = Nothing