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IFreeBusySupport::LoadFreeBusyData [Outlook 2003 API Reference]

Returns, for each specified user, an interface for enumerating free/busy blocks of data within a time range.

Quick Info

See IFreeBusySupport.

HRESULT LoadFreeBusyData(
    ULONG cMax, 
    FBUser *rgfbuser,
    IFreeBusyData **prgfbdata, 
    HRESULT *phrStatus,
    ULONG *pcRead



[in] The number of IFreeBusyData interfaces to return.


[in] The array of free/busy users to retrieve data for.


[in][out] The array of IFreeBusyData interfaces corresponding to the rgfbuser array of FBUser structures.

Note  This array of pointers is allocated by the caller and freed by the caller. The actual interfaces pointed to are released when the caller is done with them.


[out] The array of HRESULT results for retrieving each corresponding IFreeBusyData interface. The value may be NULL. A result is set to S_OK if corresponding prgfbdata is valid.


[out] The actual number of users for which an IFreeBusyData interface has been found.

Return Values


The call is successful.

See Also

Constants for the Free/Busy API