GapDepth Property

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Returns or sets a Long specifying the amount of spacing along the z-axis for adjacent data series in a three-dimensional chart. Valid values range from 0 to 500. Read/write.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChChart object.


Setting this property to a value of 100 results in the gaps that are the same thickness as the data series series.


This example converts the first chart in Chartspace1 to a 3-D Column chart and then sets the gap depth of the chart.

  Sub SetGapDepth()

    Dim cht3DColumn As ChChart

    ' Set a variable to the first chart in Chartspace1.
    Set cht3DColumn = ChartSpace1.Charts(0)

    ' Change the chart to a 3-D Column chart.
    cht3DColumn.Type = chChartTypeColumn3D

    ' Set the gap depth.
    cht3DColumn.GapDepth = 75

End Sub