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Caption Property


Caption property as it applies to the ChSeries, ChTitle, ChTrendline, Heading, Spreadsheet, PivotField, PivotFieldSet, PivotLabel, PivotMemberProperty, PivotTotal, and TitleBar objects.

Returns or sets the caption for the specified object. Read/write String.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects listed above.

Caption property as it applies to the ChCategoryLabel, PivotAxisMember, PivotColumnMember, PivotMember, PivotPageMember, PivotResultMemberProperty, and PivotRowMember objects.

Returns the caption for the specified object. Read-only String.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects listed above.


As it applies to the Spreadsheet object

This example displays the current date and time in the title bar of Spreadsheet1.

  Sub SetTitleBar_Caption()
    Dim ssTitle
    Set ssTitle = Spreadhseet1.TitleBar
    ' Set the title bar's caption to the
    ' current date and time.
    ssTitle.Caption = Date & " " & Time
    ' Enable the title bar.
    ssTitle.Visible = True
End Sub