Application Object

Multiple objects

Represents the entire Project application. The Application object contains:

  • Application-wide settings and options (many of the options in the Options dialog box on the Tools menu, for example).
  • Properties that return top-level objects, such as ActiveCell, ActiveProject, and so on.
  • Methods that act on application-wide elements, such as views, selections, editing actions, and so on.

Using the Application Object

Use the Application property to return an Application object in Project. The following example applies the Windows property to the Application object.


The following example creates a Project project object in another application and then opens a project in Project.

Dim pj As Object

Set pj = CreateObject("MSProject.Project")
pj.Application.FileOpen "My Project.mpp"


Many of the properties and methods that return the most common user-interface objects, such as the active project (ActiveProject property), can be used without the Application object qualifier. For example, instead of writing

Application.ActiveProject.Visible = True

, you can write

ActiveProject.Visible = True


Properties | ActiveCell Property | ActiveProject Property | ActiveSelection Property | ActiveWindow Property | AMText Property | AnswerWizard Property | Assistant Property | AutoClearLeveling Property | AutoLevel Property | AutomaticallyFillPhoneticFields Property | AutomationSecurity Property | Calculation Property | Caption Property | CellDragAndDrop Property | COMAddIns Property | CommandBars Property | DateOrder Property | DateSeparator Property | DayLeadingZero Property | DecimalSeparator Property | DefaultAutoFilter Property | DefaultDateFormat Property | DefaultView Property | DisplayAlerts Property | DisplayEntryBar Property | DisplayOLEIndicator Property | DisplayPlanningWizard Property | DisplayProjectGuide Property | DisplayRecentFiles Property | DisplayScheduleMessages Property | DisplayScrollBars Property | DisplayStatusBar Property | DisplayViewBar Property | DisplayWindowsInTaskBar Property | DisplayWizardErrors Property | DisplayWizardScheduling Property | DisplayWizardUsage Property | Edition Property | EnableCancelKey Property | EnterpriseAllowLocalBaseCalendars Property | FileSearch Property | GlobalBaseCalendars Property | GlobalResourceFilters Property | GlobalResourceTables Property | GlobalTaskFilters Property | GlobalTaskTables Property | GlobalViews Property | GlobalViewsCombination Property | GlobalViewsSingle Property | Height Property | Left Property | LevelIndividualAssignments Property | LevelingCanSplit Property | LevelOrder Property | LevelPeriodBasis Property | LevelWithinSlack Property | ListSeparator Property | LoadLastFile Property | MonthLeadingZero Property | MoveAfterReturn Property | Name Property | NewTasksEstimated Property | OperatingSystem Property | Parent Property | Path Property | PathSeparator Property | PMText Property | Profiles Property | Projects Property | PromptForSummaryInfo Property | RecentFilesMaximum Property | ScreenUpdating Property | ShowAssignmentUnitsAs Property | ShowEstimatedDuration Property | ShowWelcome Property | StartWeekOn Property | StartYearIn Property | StatusBar Property | SupportsMultipleDocuments Property | SupportsMultipleWindows Property | ThousandSeparator Property | TimeLeadingZero Property | TimeSeparator Property | Top Property | TwelveHourTimeFormat Property | UsableHeight Property | UsableWidth Property | UserControl Property | UserName Property | VBE Property | Version Property | Visible Property | Width Property | Windows Property | Windows2 Property

Methods | About Method | ActivateMicrosoftApp Method | AddProgressLine Method | AddResourcesFromProjectServer Method | Alerts Method | AppExecute Method | AppMaximize Method | AppMinimize Method | AppMove Method | AppRestore Method | AppSize Method | AutoCorrect Method | AutoFilter Method | BarBoxFormat Method | BarBoxStyles Method | BarRounding Method | BaseCalendarCreate Method | BaseCalendarDelete Method | BaseCalendarEditDays Method | BaseCalendarRename Method | BaseCalendarReset Method | BaseCalendars Method | BaselineClear Method | BaselineSave Method | BoxAlign Method | BoxCellEdit Method | BoxCellLayout Method | BoxDataTemplate Method | BoxFormat Method | BoxGetXPosition Method | BoxGetYPosition Method | BoxLayout Method | BoxLinkLabelsShow Method | BoxLinks Method | BoxLinkStyleToggle Method | BoxProgressMarksShow Method | BoxSet Method | BoxShowHideFields Method | BoxStylesEdit Method | BoxZoom Method | CalculateAll Method | CalculateProject Method | CalendarBarStyles Method | CalendarBarStylesEdit Method | CalendarBestFitWeekHeight Method | CalendarDateBoxes Method | CalendarDateShading Method | CalendarDateShadingEdit Method | CalendarLayout Method | CalendarShowBarSplits Method | CalendarTaskList Method | CalendarTimescale Method | CalendarWeekHeadings Method | ChangeWorkingTime Method | CheckField Method | CheckIn Method | CheckOut Method | ColumnAlignment Method | ColumnBestFit Method | ColumnDelete Method | ColumnEdit Method | ColumnInsert Method | COMAddInsDialog Method | ConsolidateProjects Method | ConvertHangulToHanja Method | CreateWebAccount Method | CustomFieldGetFormula Method | CustomFieldGetName Method | CustomFieldIndicatorAdd Method | CustomFieldIndicatorDelete Method | CustomFieldIndicators Method | CustomFieldProperties Method | CustomFieldRename Method | CustomFieldSetFormula Method | CustomFieldValueList Method | CustomFieldValueListAdd Method | CustomFieldValueListDelete Method | CustomFieldValueListGetItem Method | CustomForms Method | CustomizeField Method | CustomizeIMEMode Method | CustomOutlineCodeEdit Method | DateAdd Method | DateDifference Method | DateFormat Method | DateSubtract Method | DDEExecute Method | DDEInitiate Method | DDELinksUpdate Method | DDEPasteLink Method | DDETerminate Method | DeleteFromDatabase Method | DetailStylesAdd Method | DetailStylesFormat Method | DetailStylesProperties Method | DetailStylesRemove Method | DetailStylesRemoveAll Method | DetailStylesToggleItem Method | DisplaySharedWorkspace Method | DisplaySharedWorkspace Method | DocClose Method | DocMaximize Method | DocMove Method | DocRestore Method | DocSize Method | DocumentLibraryVersionsDialog Method | DrawingCreate Method | DrawingCycleColor Method | DrawingMove Method | DrawingProperties Method | DrawingReshape Method | DrawingToolbarShow Method | DurationFormat Method | DurationValue Method | EditClear Method | EditClearFormats Method | EditClearHyperlink Method | EditCopy Method | EditCopyPicture Method | EditCut Method | EditDelete Method | EditGoto Method | EditHyperlink Method | EditInsert Method | EditPaste Method | EditPasteAsHyperlink Method | EditPasteSpecial Method | EditUndo Method | EnterpriseCustomizeFields Method | EnterpriseCustomOutlineCodeShare Method | EnterpriseGlobalBackup Method | EnterpriseGlobalCheckOut Method | EnterpriseGlobalRestore Method | EnterpriseMakeServerURLTrusted Method | EnterpriseProjectDelete Method | EnterpriseProjectImportWizard Method | EnterpriseProjectProfiles Method | EnterpriseResourceGet Method | EnterpriseResourcesImport Method | EnterpriseResourcesOpen Method | EnterpriseResSubstitutionWizard Method | EnterpriseSynchActuals Method | EnterpriseTeamBuilder Method | FieldConstantToFieldName Method | FieldNameToFieldConstant Method | FileBuildID Method | FileClose Method | FileCloseAll Method | FileExit Method | FileFormatID Method | FileLoadLast Method | FileNew Method | FileOpen Method | FilePageSetup Method | FilePageSetupCalendar Method | FilePageSetupCalendarText Method | FilePageSetupFooter Method | FilePageSetupHeader Method | FilePageSetupLegend Method | FilePageSetupMargins Method | FilePageSetupPage Method | FilePageSetupView Method | FilePrint Method | FilePrintPreview Method | FilePrintSetup Method | FileProperties Method | FileSave Method | FileSaveAs Method | FileSaveOffline Method | FileSaveWorkspace Method | FillAcross Method | FillDown Method | FilterApply Method | FilterEdit Method | Filters Method | Find Method | FindFile Method | FindNext Method | FindPrevious Method | FixMe Method | FollowHyperlink Method | Font Method | FontBold Method | FontItalic Method | FontUnderline Method | Form Method | FormatCopy Method | FormatPainter Method | FormatPaste Method | FormViewShow Method | GanttBarFormat Method | GanttBarLinks Method | GanttBarSize Method | GanttBarStyleDelete Method | GanttBarStyleEdit Method | GanttBarTextDateFormat Method | GanttChartWizard Method | GanttRollup Method | GanttShowBarSplits Method | GanttShowDrawings Method | GetCurrentTheme Method | GetProjectServerSettings Method | GetProjectServerVersion Method | GoalAreaChange Method | GoalAreaHighlight Method | GoalAreaTaskHighlight Method | GotoNextOverallocation Method | GotoTaskDates Method | Gridlines Method | GridlinesEdit Method | GroupApply Method | GroupBy Method | Groups Method | HelpAbout Method | HelpAnswerWizard Method | HelpContents Method | HelpContextHelp Method | HelpLaunch Method | HelpTechnicalSupport Method | ImportOutlookTasks Method | ImportResourceList Method | InformationDialog Method | InsertHyperlink Method | InsertNotes Method | IsOfficeTaskPaneVisible Method | IsURLTrusted Method | Layout Method | LayoutNow Method | LayoutRelatedNow Method | LayoutSelectionNow Method | LevelingClear Method | LevelingOptions Method | LevelNow Method | LinksBetweenProjects Method | LinkTasks Method | LinkTasksEdit Method | LoadWebBrowserControl Method | LocaleID Method | LookUpTableAdd Method | Macro Method | MacroSecurity Method | MacroShowCode Method | MacroShowVba Method | MailLogoff Method | MailLogon Method | MailPostDocument Method | MailProjectMailCustomize Method | MailRoutingSlip Method | MailSend Method | MailSendScheduleNote Method | MailSession Method | MailSystem Method | MapEdit Method | Message Method | ObjectChangeIcon Method | ObjectConvert Method | ObjectInsert Method | ObjectLinks Method | ObjectVerb Method | ODBCCreateDataSource Method | ODBCManageDataSources Method | OfficeOnTheWeb Method | OfficeTaskPaneHide Method | OpenXML Method | OptionsCalculation Method | OptionsCalendar Method | OptionsEdit Method | OptionsGeneral Method | OptionsInterface Method | OptionsSave Method | OptionsSchedule Method | OptionsSecurity Method | OptionsSpelling Method | OptionsView Method | OptionsWorkgroup Method | Organizer Method | OrganizerDeleteItem Method | OrganizerMoveItem Method | OrganizerRenameItem Method | OutlineHideSubtasks Method | OutlineIndent Method | OutlineOutdent Method | OutlineShowAllTasks Method | OutlineShowSubtasks Method | OutlineShowTasks Method | OutlineSymbolsToggle Method | PageBreakRemove Method | PageBreakSet Method | PageBreaksRemoveAll Method | PageBreaksShow Method | PaneClose Method | PaneCreate Method | PaneNext Method | ProgressLines Method | ProjectStatistics Method | ProjectSummaryInfo Method | PublishAllInformation Method | PublishNewAndChangedAssignments Method | PublishProjectPlan Method | Quit Method | RecurringTaskInsert Method | RegisterProject Method | ReminderSet Method | Replace Method | ReportPrint Method | ReportPrintPreview Method | Reports Method | RepublishAssignments Method | RequestProgressInformation Method | ResetTrackingMethod Method | ResourceActiveDirectory Method | ResourceAddressBook Method | ResourceAssignment Method | ResourceAssignmentDialog Method | ResourceCalendarEditDays Method | ResourceCalendarReset Method | ResourceCalendars Method | ResourceDetails Method | ResourceGraphBarStyles Method | ResourceSharing Method | ResourceSharingPoolAction Method | ResourceSharingPoolRefresh Method | ResourceSharingPoolUpdate Method | ResourceWindowsAccount Method | RestoreSheetSelection Method | RowClear Method | RowDelete Method | RowInsert Method | Run Method | SaveSheetSelection Method | SearchFiles Method | SelectAll Method | SelectBeginning Method | SelectCell Method | SelectCellDown Method | SelectCellLeft Method | SelectCellRight Method | SelectCellUp Method | SelectColumn Method | SelectEnd Method | SelectionExtend Method | SelectRange Method | SelectResourceCell Method | SelectResourceColumn Method | SelectResourceField Method | SelectRow Method | SelectRowEnd Method | SelectRowStart Method | SelectSheet Method | SelectTaskCell Method | SelectTaskColumn Method | SelectTaskField Method | SelectTimescaleRange Method | ServiceOptionsDialog Method | SetActiveCell Method | SetField Method | SetMatchingField Method | SetResourceField Method | SetRowHeight Method | SetSidepaneStateButton Method | SetSplitBar Method | SetTaskField Method | SetTitleRowHeight Method | SidepaneTaskChange Method | SidepaneToggle Method | Sort Method | SpellCheckField Method | SpellingCheck Method | SplitTask Method | StopWebBrowserControlNavigation Method | SummaryTasksShow Method | TableApply Method | TableEdit Method | Tables Method | TextStyles Method | Timescale Method | TimescaleEdit Method | TimescaleNonWorking Method | TipOfTheDay Method | ToggleAssignments Method | UnlinkTasks Method | UnloadWebBrowserControl Method | UpdateFromProjectServer Method | UpdateProject Method | UpdateProjectToWeb Method | UpdateTasks Method | ViewApply Method | ViewBar Method | ViewEditCombination Method | ViewEditSingle Method | Views Method | ViewShowCost Method | ViewShowCumulativeCost Method | ViewShowCumulativeWork Method | ViewShowNotes Method | ViewShowObjects Method | ViewShowOverallocation Method | ViewShowPeakUnits Method | ViewShowPercentAllocation Method | ViewShowPredecessorsSuccessors Method | ViewShowRemainingAvailability Method | ViewShowResourcesPredecessors Method | ViewShowResourcesSuccessors Method | ViewShowSchedule Method | ViewShowUnitAvailability Method | ViewShowWork Method | ViewShowWorkAvailability Method | WBSCodeMaskEdit Method | WBSCodeRenumber Method | WebAddToFavorites Method | WebCopyHyperlink Method | WebGoBack Method | WebGoForward Method | WebHideToolbars Method | WebInbox Method | WebOpenFavorites Method | WebOpenHyperlink Method | WebOpenSearchPage Method | WebOpenStartPage Method | WebRefresh Method | WebSetSearchPage Method | WebSetStartPage Method | WebStopLoading Method | WebToolbar Method | WindowActivate Method | WindowArrangeAll Method | WindowHide Method | WindowMoreWindows Method | WindowNewWindow Method | WindowNext Method | WindowPrev Method | WindowSplit Method | WindowUnhide Method | Zoom Method | ZoomCalendar Method | ZoomIn Method | ZoomOut Method | ZoomTimescale Method

Events | ApplicationBeforeClose Event | LoadWebPage Event | NewProject Event | ProjectAfterSave Event | ProjectAssignmentNew Event | ProjectBeforeAssignmentChange Event | ProjectBeforeAssignmentChange2 Event | ProjectBeforeAssignmentDelete Event | ProjectBeforeAssignmentDelete2 Event | ProjectBeforeAssignmentNew Event | ProjectBeforeAssignmentNew2 Event | ProjectBeforeClearBaseline Event | ProjectBeforeClose Event | ProjectBeforeClose2 Event | ProjectBeforePrint Event | ProjectBeforePrint2 Event | ProjectBeforeResourceChange Event | ProjectBeforeResourceChange2 Event | ProjectBeforeResourceDelete Event | ProjectBeforeResourceDelete2 Event | ProjectBeforeResourceNew Event | ProjectBeforeResourceNew2 Event | ProjectBeforeSave Event | ProjectBeforeSave2 Event | ProjectBeforeSaveBaseline Event | ProjectBeforeTaskChange Event | ProjectBeforeTaskChange2 Event | ProjectBeforeTaskDelete Event | ProjectBeforeTaskDelete2 Event | ProjectBeforeTaskNew Event | ProjectBeforeTaskNew2 Event | ProjectCalculate Event | ProjectResourceNew Event | ProjectTaskNew Event | WindowActivate Event | WindowBeforeViewChange Event | WindowDeactivate Event | WindowGoalAreaChange Event | WindowSelectionChange Event | WindowSidepaneDisplayChange Event | WindowSidepaneTaskChange Event | WindowViewChange Event | WorkpaneDisplayChange Event

Child Objects | Cell Object | Project Object, Projects Collection Object | Selection Object | Window Object, Windows Collection Object | Windows2 Collection Object

See Also | Application Property