MailRoutingSlip Method

Adds a mail routing slip to the active project.


expression**.MailRoutingSlip(To, Subject, Body, AllAtOnce, ReturnWhenDone, TrackStatus, Clear, SendNow)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

To    Optional String. The user names of the recipients of the message, separated by commas.

Subject    Optional String. The subject of the message.

Body    Optional String. The main text of the message.

AllAtOnce    Optional Boolean. True if the message is sent to all users at the same time. False if the message is routed from one user to the next. The default value is False.

ReturnWhenDone    Optional Boolean. True if the message returns to the sender after reaching the last recipient. The default value is True.

TrackStatus    Optional Boolean. True if the location of the message is tracked. The default value is True.

Clear    Optional Boolean. True if the list of user names in the Routing Slip dialog box is cleared. The default value is False.

SendNow    Optional Boolean. True if the project is sent. False if the mail slip is edited without sending the project. The default value is False.


Using the MailRoutingSlip method without specifying any arguments displays the Routing Slip dialog box when a mail profile is set up on the user's system. If no mail profile is set up, using the MailRoutingSlip method without specifying any arguments displays the Internet Connection Wizard.


The following example sends the current schedule to Julie Rogers and then to Michael Edwards.

Sub PlanApproval()
    MailRoutingSlip To:="Julie Rogers,Michael Edwards", _
        Subject:="Project Plan Approval", _
        Body:="Please review the following plan for approval.", _
        AllAtOnce:=False, ReturnWhenDone:=True, _
        TrackStatus:=True, SendNow:=True
End Sub

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | Contact Property | EMailAddress Property | MailLogoff Method | MailLogon Method | MailPostDocument Method | MailProjectMailCustomize Method | MailSend Method | MailSendScheduleNote Method | MailSession Method | MailSystem Method | ReminderSet Method | ResourceAddressBook Method | ResourceDetails Method