DeleteFromDatabase Method

Deletes a project stored in a database.


expression**.DeleteFromDatabase(Name, UserID, DatabasePassWord, FormatID)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Name Required String. The name of the source file or data source to open, and the name of the project to delete from the database.

UserID    Optional String. A user ID to use when accessing the database.

DatabasePassWord    Optional String. A password to use when accessing the database.

FormatID    Optional String. The file or database format. If Project recognizes the format of the file specified with Name, FormatID is ignored. Can be one of the following format strings:

Format String Description
"MSProject.mpd" Project database
"MSProject.odbc" ODBC database
"MSProject.mdb" Microsoft Access database


The Name argument must contain a file name string, or an ODBC data source name (DSN), and the project name string. The syntax for a data source is <DataSourceName>\Projectname. The less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols must be included and a backslash ( \ ) must separate the data source name from the project name. The DataSourceName itself can either be one of the ODBC data source names installed on the computer, a file DSN, or a path and file name for a file-based database.

In the following examples, [My Documents] is the full path of your My Documents folder, and [Program Files] is the full path of your Program Files folder:

"<Corporate SQL Database>\Factory Construction"

"<[My Documents]\PROJECT1.MDB>\System Roll-out Plan"

"<[Program Files]\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\Projects Database.dsn>\Project X"


The following example deletes projects from a Project database, as specified by the user.

Sub KillProjects()
    Dim PathAndDB As String, ProjectName As String
    Dim Continue As Long    ' Used to store user response

    Continue = vbYes    ' Set to Yes so that loop runs

    PathAndDB = InputBox$("Enter the path and file name of the Project" & _
        " database to open, including extension: ")

    Do Until Continue = vbNo
        ProjectName = InputBox$("Enter the name of the project to delete: ")
        DeleteFromDatabase "<" & PathAndDB & ">\" & ProjectName, _









        Continue = MsgBox("Project " & ProjectName & " deleted from database." & _









   vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Delete another?", vbYesNo)

End Sub

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | FileOpen Method | FileSaveAs Method | ODBCCreateDataSource Method