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Provider Registry Settings

Provider information appears under the following registry subkey:


For each provider, a subkey appears under the Sources subkey. The name of this subkey is the globally unique identifier (GUID) that uniquely identifies the service provider. Each provider subkey has the entries and values shown in the following table.

Note  The "Default value" column of the table indicates the value used for this setting if the setting is missing or corrupt. The "Equivalent Registration parameter?" column indicates whether this registry setting has an equivalent XML parameter in the Microsoft.Search.Registration.Response namespace.

Entry name Value type Value data Required? Default value Equivalent Registration parameter?
AboutPath String URL that points to a description of the provider. No None Yes
ProviderName String Friendly name of the provider, for use in the user interface. Yes None Yes
QueryPath String URL that the Research task pane uses to query all services provided by the provider. Yes None Yes
RegistrationPath String URL that the Research task pane uses to contact the provider to update registration information. No Value of QueryPath Yes
Revision DWORD Integer that tracks the currently registered version of the provider. Providers can use any arbitrary numbering system. Yes None Yes
Status String Internal use only. This entry should be set to "Enabled". Indicates that the service provider is enabled. Note: Microsoft® Office 2003 may temporarily change this value when performing update operations. Yes None No. This is set by Office automatically when adding a service through the Registration interface.
Type String This should be set to "SOAP". Used for web services. Note: A value of "Internal" tells the research service that this provider is built into Office. Custom services should not use the "Internal" value. Yes None Yes
UpdateStatus DWORD This entry should normally be set to "1". Indicates that the service provider does not need updating. Notes: If a service wants to force Office to prompt the user to update the service, it should set this entry to "2". Office may temporarily change this value when performing update operations. Yes None No. This is set by Office automatically when adding a service through the Registration interface.

Each provider key has subkeys for the services offered by the provider. The names of these subkeys are also GUIDs that uniquely identify each service. For more information, see Service Registry Settings.

Typical Registry Settings

The following screen shot displays typical provider registry settings for the Factiva News Search research service available from the Dow Jones and Reuters provider.

Typical provider registry settings

Figure 1. Typical provider registry settings.