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ToggleButton control [Outlook 2003 Forms Help]

Shows the selection state of an item.


Use a ToggleButton to show whether an item is selected. If a ToggleButton is bound to a data source, the ToggleButton shows the current value of that data source as either Yes/No, True/False, On/Off, or some other choice of two settings. If the user selects the ToggleButton, the current setting is Yes, True, or On. If the user does not select the ToggleButton, the setting is No, False, or Off. If the ToggleButton is bound to a data source, changing the setting changes the value of that data source. A disabled ToggleButton shows a value, but is dimmed and does not allow changes from the user interface.

You can also use a ToggleButton inside a Frame to select one or more of a group of related items. For example, you can create an order form with a list of available items, with a ToggleButton preceding each item. The user can select a particular item by selecting the appropriate ToggleButton.

The default property of a ToggleButton is the Value property.

The only event for a ToggleButton is the Click event.

Properties | Accelerator Property | Alignment Property | AutoSize Property | BackColor Property | BackStyle Property | Caption Property | Enabled Property | ForeColor Property | GroupName Property | Locked Property | MouseIcon Property | MousePointer Property | Picture Property | PicturePosition Property | SpecialEffect Property | TextAlign Property | TripleState Property | Value Property | WordWrap Property

Events | Click Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Font Object