IterationMode property

IterationMode property

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See also         Example         Applies to

Controls whether a Selection object reports subselected shapes and groups in which a shape is selected.

Version added



          intRet = object.IterationMode
          .IterationMode = intExpression


Long. Mode of the selection.


Required. An expression that returns a Selection object.


Required Long. Bit mask indicating whether sub- and super-selected items should be reported.


The items in a Selection object are a subset of the descendants of the Selection object's containing shape.

  • A top-level shape in a Selection object is an immediate child of the selection's containing shape.
  • A subselected shape in a Selection object is not an immediate child of the selection's containing shape.
  • A superselected shape in a Selection object has at least one immediate child that is subselected.

If a shape is subselected, then each of its ancestors—except the containing shape itself—is superselected.

The value of the IterationMode property is a combination of the following values.






Selection does not report superselected shapes.



Selection only reports superselected shapes.



Selection does not report subselected shapes.



Selection only reports subselected shapes.

When a Selection object is created, its initial iteration mode is visSelModeSkipSub + visSelModeSkipSuper. It reports neither subselected nor superselected shapes and behaves identically to Selection objects in versions of Visio prior to Visio 2000.

You can determine whether an individual item in a Selection object is a subselected or superselected item using the ItemStatus property.