ChMarker Object

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Represents a data marker on a Line, XY (Scatter), Radar, or Polar chart.

Using the ChMarker object

The ChSeries object’s Marker property returns a ChMarker object.

Use the Size and Style properties to format ChMarker objects.

The following example converts the first series in the first chart of Chartspace1 to a line chart, and then formats the markers on the line.

  Sub FormatMarkers()

    Dim serSeries1
    Dim chConstants

    Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

    ' Set a variable to the first series of the first chart
    ' in Chartspace1.
    Set serSeries1 = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0)

    ' Change the type of the first data series to a line chart.
    serSeries1.Type = chConstants.chChartTypeLineMarkers

    ' Set the marker style.
    serSeries1.Marker.Style = chConstants.chMarkerStyleDiamond

    ' Set the size of the markers.
    serSeries1.Marker.Size = 7

End Sub