Error Codes

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The PDS API returns the following STATUS codes:



rsSuccess = 0

Operation succeeded

rsRequestUnknown = 1

Request not recognized by PDS

rsRequestInvalid = 2

Some part of the request syntax is invalid (general status)

rsRequestIncomplete = 3

More information expected in request

rsRequestStringEmpty = 4

Request string contained no information

rsRequestNotImplemented = 5

Request is known but currently not implemented

rsRequestInvalidParameter = 6

One of the request nodes/parameters is invalid or contextually invalid

rsNodeNameInvalid = 7

Node name not recognized as valid syntax for the request

rsGUIDInvalid = 8

The User GUID is invalid

rsNoRowsAffected = 9

A database update has been performed, but no rows were updated

rsInvalidDatabaseType = 10

Valid DB types: 0=SQLServer

rsInvalidValue = 11

Request value invalid; for example, a UID specified as 0

rsDatabaseNameNotFound = 12

Database name not found in connection string

rsServerNameNotFound = 13

Server name not found in connection string

rsParameterNotFound = 14

General Error—sought parameter not found (not usually returned to user)

rsOLAPCubeFailure = 15

OLAP cube returned an error, but not one that the PDS knows about

rsAgeInvalid = 17

The Age parameter specified is out of range

rsModeInvalid = 18

The Access mode specified is absolutely or contextually invalid

rsDSNCreateFailed = 19

An attempt to create a DSN on the fly has failed

rsDSNDatabaseInvalid = 20

During an attempt to create a DSN, the database type was found to be invalid (Not Microsoft SQL™ Server)

rsDateFormatInvalid = 21

The format of a string date is invalid ("YYYYMMDDhhmmss")

rsNoDateRange = 22

No date range values found in WADMIN_RES_DATE_RANGE (not usually returned to user)

rsDecodeInvalidInteger = 23

A request numeric parameter did not hold a numeric value

rsDecodeIntegerTooSmall = 24

A request numeric parameters value was too small

rsDecodeIntegerTooLarge = 25

A request numeric parameters value was too large

rsStartDateGTorEQFinishDate = 26

The specified date range is invalid

rsMachineIDNameTooLong = 27

Machine name string too long

rsOLAP2UnknownFailure = 28

Unknown return from CheckOlapDetails

rsRequestInvalidXML = 30

Request XML contains a syntax error; that is, it can't be parsed

rsRequestMultiplesInvalid = 31

Request contains repeated parameters, which is invalid

rsRequestInvalidRoot = 32

No root node found for the request

rsRequestMissing = 33

Request node was found, but the request itself was missing

rsRequestParameterMissing = 34

A required parameter for the request was missing

rsRequestSPIDParameterMissing = 35

SPID parameter for the request was missing

rsRequestSPIDTimestampParameterMissing = 36

SPID timestamp parameter for the request was missing

rsRBSInvalid = 37

An invalid RBS parameter was specified

rsDecodeInvalidBool = 38

An invalid boolean was specified (that is, not 0 or 1)

rsDecodeInvalidSPID = 39

An invalid SPID was specified (1�32767, currently)

rsDecodeInvalidPermissionID = 40

An invalid Permission ID was specified

rsUIDInvalid = 41

An invalid UID was specified

rsEnterpriseCustomFieldUIDInvalid = 42

UID does not match a known Enterprise custom field

rsSecurityAccessDenied = 50

User does not have permission to make this request

rsSecurityAddUserAccountFailed = 51

New resource being added as a user has failed

rsPCProjectNotDeleted = 52

A request to delete a project has failed on the Microsoft Project Central side

rsPCResourceActivateFailed = 53

A request to Activate a resource has failed on the Microsoft Project Central side

rsPCResourceDeactivateFailed = 54

A request to deactivate a resource has failed on the Microsoft Project Central side

rsPCProjectNotFound = 55

The specified project was not found in the Microsoft Project Central tables

rsSecurityModifyUserAccountFailed = 56

Failure to modify the account details between Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server

rsNoValuesSpecified = 57

No values were provided for operation

Additional STATUS codes:

Project related returns:

Resource related returns:

Version related returns:

OLAP reported and translated errors:

Context Navigator Errors:

All Exception Errors are 9000 or above: