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Min Property [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Returns or sets the minimum value of a scroll bar or spinner range. The scroll bar or spinner won't take on values less than this minimum value. Read/write Long.

For information about using the Min worksheet function in Visual Basic, see Using Worksheet Functions in Visual Basic .


The value of the Min property must be less than the value of the Max property.


This example creates a scroll bar and sets its linked cell, minimum, maximum, large change, and small change values.

Set sb = Worksheets(1).Shapes.AddFormControl(xlScrollBar, _
    Left:=10, Top:=10, Width:=10, Height:=200)
With sb.ControlFormat
    .LinkedCell = "D1"
    .Max = 100
    .Min = 0
    .LargeChange = 10
    .SmallChange = 2
End With

Applies to | ControlFormat Object

See Also | Max Property