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Points Method [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Returns an array of points that defines a polyline that approximates a Path or Curve object within a given tolerance.

object**.Points**Tolerance, adblXYPoints

object     Required. An expression that returns a Path or Curve object.

Tolerance     Required Double. Specifies how close the returned array of points must approximate the true path.

adblXYPoints     Required Double. Returns an array of alternating x and y values specifying points along a path's or curve's stroke.

Version added



Use the Points method of the Path or Curve object to obtain an array of x,y coordinates specifying points along the path or curve within a given tolerance. The tolerance and returned x,y values are expressed in internal drawing units (inches).

If you used the Paths property of a Shapes object to obtain the Path or Curve object being queried, the coordinates are expressed in the parent's coordinate system. If you used the PathsLocal property of a Shape object to obtain the Path or Curve object, the coordinates are expressed in the local coordinate system.

If Microsoft Office Visio is unable to achieve the requested tolerance, Visio approximates the points as close to the requested tolerance as possible. Generally speaking, the lower the tolerance, the more points Visio returns. Visio doesn't accept a tolerance of zero (0).

The array returned includes both the starting and ending points of the path or curve even if it is closed.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro places a shape on the page, retrieves its Paths collection, and then uses the Points method of the Path object to return an array of points that defines a polyline approximating the Path object.

Public Sub Points_Example() 

    Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape 
    Dim adblXYPoints() As Double
    Dim strPointsList As String
    Dim intOuterLoopCounter As Integer
    Dim intInnerLoopCounter As Integer

    Set vsoShape = ActivePage.DrawOval(1, 1, 4, 4)
    For intOuterLoopCounter = 1 To vsoShape.Paths.Count
        vsoShape.Paths(intOuterLoopCounter).Points 0.1, adblXYPoints 
        For intInnerLoopCounter = LBound(adblXYPoints) To UBound(adblXYPoints) 
            strPointsList = strPointsList & adblXYPoints(intInnerLoopCounter) & Chr(10) 
        Next intInnerLoopCounter
    Next intOuterLoopCounter 

    Debug.Print strPointsList 

End Sub  

Applies to | Curve object | Path object

See Also | End property | Point method | PointAndDerivatives method | Start property