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Unsuspend Method

Resumes synchronization between the local copy and the server copy of a shared document.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns a Sync object.


Use the Unsuspend method to resume document synchronization when the Status property returns msoSyncStatusSuspended.

Not all document synchronization problems raise trappable run-time errors. After performing an operation using the Sync object, it's a good idea to check the Status property; if the Status property is msoSyncStatusError, check the ErrorType property for additional information on the type of error that has occurred.


The following example resumes document synchronization if it has been suspended.

    Dim objSync As Office.Sync
    Set objSync = ActiveDocument.Sync
    If objSync.Status = msoSyncStatusSuspended Then
        MsgBox "Synchronization resumed.", _
            vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Sync Status"
    End If
    Set objSync = Nothing

Applies to | Sync Object