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ProcessHRDataSAP Method

The human resources (HR) module for ERP Connector maintains resource and organization data in Microsoft Office Project Server 2003. The mySAP™ ERP Human Capital Management solution exports XML data to the drop folder, then the Service for Enterprise Data Maintenance (EDM) sends the data in the drop folder to the PDS extension ProcessHRDataSAP, which processes the data using standard PDS methods.

General architecture of the HR module of ERP Connector

Figure 1. General architecture of the HR module of ERP Connector

This topic includes the following sections:

  • Syntax shows the complete XML syntax for a ProcessHRDataSAP request.
  • Parameters describes all of the request's XML tags.
  • Implementation Classes shows a class diagram and describes the major features of the ProcessHRDataSAP source code, and summarizes calls to the standard PDS methods.


         -- Additional resources --
         -- Additional organisation units --
         -- Additional resource mappings --


The following table describes the parameters for each of the three sections of the ProcessHRDataSAP method: HumanResources, OrganisationStructure, and ResourceMapping. If the tag occurrence includes 0, then it is an optional parameter.

Table 1. Parameters for the three sections of ProcessHRDataSAP

Tag Description Type / Format Occurrence
HumanResources Parent element for human resources.   1
Resources Element for one human resource.   0 - n
PERNO Unique ID of the resource from mySAP ERP. Text 1
LAST_NAME Last name of the resource. Text 1
FIRSTNAME First name of the resource. Text 1
EMAIL E-mail of the resource; if not defined, a formula can be defined for building the e-mail address. Text 0 - 1
OVERTIMERATE Cost of the resource when working overtime. The value should be a number with a decimal point, for example 80.00. ProcessHRDataSAP converts the decimal point to the currency decimal separator for the current locale, determined by the following statement in Datatypes.cs:
string decSep = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator;
Text 0 - 1
AMOUNT_MONTH Cost of the resource per month. The value should be a number with a decimal point, for example 9600.00. Text 0 - 1
AMOUNT_HOUR Cost of the resource per hour. The value should be a number with a decimal point, for example 60.00. Text 0 - 1
WAERS Currency of the cost rates; USD (U.S. dollar), EUR (euro), yen, and so on. Text 0 - 1
BIRTHDATE Resource's date of birth. Date: YYYYMMDD 0 - 1
INFOTYPE Type of information. Text 0 - 1
OBJECT_ID Object ID. Text 0 - 1
TO_DATE Date through which the resource is valid. Date: YYYYMMDD     0 - 1
FROM_DATE Date when the resource becomes valid. Date: YYYYMMDD 0 - 1
SEQNO mySAP ERP HCR sequence number. Text 0 - 1
CH_ON Date when the resource data was updated. Date: YYYYMMDD 0 - 1
CHANGED_BY Name of the person who changed the resource data. Text 0 - 1
OrganisationStructure Parent element for the organization structure.   1
OrganisationUnit Element for one organization unit. Text 0 - n
ORGUNIT Unique ID of the organization unit from mySAP ERP. Text 1
ORG_SHORT Short name of the organization unit. Text 0 - 1
ORG_LONG Long name of the organization unit. Text 1
OTYPE Type of the organization unit. Text 0 - 1
PARENT ID of the parent organization unit. Text 0 - 1
LEVEL Level of the organization unit. Text 0 - 1
ResourceMapping Parent element for the resource mappings.   1
Mapping Element for one resource mapping. Text 0 - n
PERNO Unique ID of the resource from mySAP ERP. Text 1
ORG_UNIT Unique ID of the organization unit from mySAP ERP. Text 1
LEAD_POS Flag that indicates whether the resource is the organization unit manager. If not empty, the flag is set to true.

Note  This differs from standard PDS flag values of 0 (default) and 1 (true).

Text 1

Implementation Classes

The PDS extension ProcessHRDataSAP uses the Extender base class described in Creating a Managed Code PDS Extension for Project Server 2003. Figure 2 shows a class diagram of the ProcessHRDataSAP implementation for the HR module of the ERP Connector. The download includes the full-size diagram in the image file HRModuleClassDiagram.gif and in the Microsoft Office Visio file HRModuleClassDiagram.vsd.

Class diagram of the PDS extension ProcessHRDataSAP

Figure 2. Class diagram of the PDS extension ProcessHRDataSAP

SAP_HR_PDSExtension is a subclass of the Extender class, and provides the public XMLRequestEx method required for PDS extensions.

The SAP_HR_Processor class contains the logic that handles the HR data. SAP_HR_Processor uses HRDataRequestParser to parse the incoming data and to retrieve the equivalent data types. The complex data types HumanResource, OrganizationUnit, and ResourceMapping are defined in the file Datatypes.cs. For a list of files in the HRModule project, see Project Files.

When all the data from mySAP ERP is parsed, SAP_HR_Processor retrieves the unique IDs from Project Server for the different data objects and calls the appropriate PDS methods to update the data. SAP_HR_Processor uses PDSInterface to access PDS methods. PDSInterface parses the PDS response with the appropriate parser class and returns the equivalent data type.

ProcessHRDataSAP uses settings in the configuration file, and also logs transactions and errors. For information about administrative settings for the HR module, see Using the Administration Page. For information about logging and the configuration architecture, see Architecture.

Field Mapping for the HR Module

The following table shows the relationship between mySAP ERP input data and the Project Server data fields.

Table 2. Relationship of mySAP ERP HCM input data to Project Server data fields

Input data Project Server data Comment
Employee ID Enterprise text field The employee ID from mySAP ERP is not the resource ID in Project Server.
First name Resource.Name  
Last name Resource.Name  
E-mail address Resource.Email  
Standard rate Resource.StandardRate Based on cost center or activity type.
Overtime rate Resource.OvertimeRate Based on cost center or activity type.
Employee ID   For identification purposes only.
Organization unit ID Enterprise outline code number  
Manager flag Enterprise text field  
Organization unit ID Enterprise outline code value  
Organization unit text Enterprise text field  

SAP_HR_Processor Functions

The SAP_HR_Processor class performs different actions on Project Server, depending on the data type.

Data type Supported actions
HumanResource (Basic employee data) Create, update, and deactivate resources.
OrganizationUnit (Organization structure) Create and update organization structure.
ResourceMapping (Organization mapping) Assign resources to organization units.

Creating Resources

If a resource is not part of the Project Server enterprise resource pool, SAP_HR_Processor calls the following PDS methods to create a new resource:

  • ResourcesAdd adds the new resource.
  • ResourceCodeValuesUpdate updates the resource custom fields.

Updating Existing Resources

If the resource already exists in the enterprise resource pool, and the resource is not checked out, SAP_HR_Processor calls the following PDS methods:

  • ResourcesCheckout checks out the resource.
  • ResourcesUpdate edits the resource.
  • ResourceCodeValuesUpdate updates the resource custom fields.
  • ResourcesCheckin checks in the updated resource.

Deactivating Resources

Depending on the configuration, SAP_HR_Processor deactivates every resource in the enterprise resource pool that is not part of the mySAP ERP input data. Therefore, the SAP_HR_Processor first gets a list of all resources in the pool. Following are the PDS methods used:

  • ResourcesStatus gets a list of all resources.
  • ResourcesCheckout checks out the resource.
  • ResourceDeactivate deletes (deactivates) the resource.
  • ResourcesCheckin checks in the resource.

Creating Organization Structure

If SAP_HR_Processor receives data of type OrganizationUnit, it calls the following PDS methods to create the corresponding enterprise outline code values:

  • ProjectsCheckout checks out the Enterprise Global template.
  • EnterpriseOutlineCodeUpdate creates values for the enterprise outline code field.
  • ProjectsCheckin checks in the Enterprise Global template.

Updating Organization Structure

If SAP_HR_Processor receives data of type OrganizationUnit, it calls the following PDS methods to update the corresponding enterprise outline code values:

  • ProjectsCheckout checks out the Enterprise Global template.
  • EnterpriseOutlineCodeUpdate updates values for the enterprise outline code field.
  • ProjectsCheckin checks in the Enterprise Global template.

Assigning Resources to Organization Units

If the resource is not already checked out, SAP_HR_Processor calls the following PDS methods to assign the resource to an organization unit.

  • ResourcesCheckout checks out the resource.
  • ResourceCodeValuesUpdate updates the enterprise outline code number.
  • ResourcesCheckin checks in the updated resource.

PDSInterface Functions

SAP_HR_Processor uses PDSInterface to make all calls to PDS standard methods. PDSInterface generates the XML requests and parses the PDS replies. Communication with the PDS occurs through the COM interface because ERP Connector is on the same computer as the PDS. Following is a list of the standard PDS calls that PDSInterfaces makes.

  • ProjectsCheckout
  • ProjectsCheckin
  • ResourcesCheckout
  • ResourcesCheckin
  • ResourcesStatus
  • ResourcesAdd
  • ResourceDeactivate
  • ResourcesUpdate
  • EnterpriseOutlineCodes
  • EnterpriseOutlineCodeUpdate
  • ResourceCodeValues
  • ResourceCodeValuesUpdate