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Move Method (Page Object Model)

Collapses an IHTMLTxtRange to the start of the range, and then moves the insertion point from the starting point in the range by the specified number of units. Returns a Long that represents the number of units moved.

expression.Move(Unit, Count)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an IHTMLTxtRange object.

Can be one of the following values

character Moves one or more characters.
word Moves one or more words. A word is a collection of characters terminated by a space or some other white-space character, such as a tab. Punctuation is also included in the word count, so a period at the end of a sentence or a comma in the middle of a sentence would increase the word count by one.
sentence Moves one or more sentences. A sentence is a collection of words terminated by a punctuation character, such as a period.
textedit Moves to the start or end of the original range.

Count    Optional Long. Specifies the number of units to move. This number can be positive (moves the insertion point to the right of the starting point in the range) or negative (moves the insertion point to the left of the starting point in the range). The default is 1.


The following example takes an IHTMLTxtRange object, a custom fpMoveUnit enumerated type (included in the code) that represents the string value of the Unit argument, and an Integer that represents the number of units to move, and then returns an IHTMLTxtRange object that represents the range after the Move method is called.

Note  Place the following custom enumerated type in the General Declarations section of the code module.

Public Enum fpMoveUnit
End Enum

Function MoveTextRange(objRange As IHTMLTxtRange, eUnit As fpMoveUnit, _
        intCount As Integer) As IHTMLTxtRange
    Dim strMoveUnit As String
    Select Case eUnit
        Case fpMoveCharacter
            strMoveUnit = "character"
        Case fpMoveWord
            strMoveUnit = "word"
        Case fpMoveSentence
            strMoveUnit = "sentence"
        Case fpMoveTextEdit
            strMoveUnit = "textedit"
    End Select
    If strMoveUnit = "textedit" Then
        objRange.Move strMoveUnit
        objRange.Move strMoveUnit, intCount
    End If
    Set MoveTextRange = objRange
End Function

Use the following example to call the preceding function.

Sub CallMoveTextRange()
    Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange
    Set objRange = ActiveDocument.body.createTextRange
    Set objRange = MoveTextRange(objRange, fpMoveWord, 3)
    objRange.Text = "<b>Hello, World!</b> "
End Sub

Applies to | IHTMLTxtRange Object