ReadOnly Property

Project object: True if a project has read-only access. Read-only Boolean.

Subproject object: True if changes in the project affect its master project. Read/write Boolean.


The following example copies projects with read-only access into new files with read-write access.

Sub CopyReadOnlyFiles()

    Dim P As Project        ' Project object used in loop
    Dim OldName As String   ' Name of project
    Dim Path As String      ' File path to project
    Dim NewName As String   ' New name of project

    ' Check each open project for read-only access.
    For Each P In Application.Projects
        If P.ReadOnly Then      ' See if project has read-only access.
            OldName = P.Name    ' Store its name.
            Path = P.Path       ' Store its path.
            ' Create a new name for the file and save it.
            NewName = "New " & Left(OldName, Len(OldName) - 4) & ".MPP"
            FileSaveAs Path & PathSeparator & NewName
        End If
    Next P
End Sub

Applies to | Project Object, Projects Collection Object | Subproject Object, Subprojects Collection Object

See Also | FullName Property | HasPassword Property | Path Property | ReadOnlyRecommended Property | Saved Property | WriteReserved Property