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Availabilities Property

Returns an Availabilities collection representing all the lines for the specified resource from the Resource Availability grid. Read-only.


The Availabilities property does not return any meaningful information for material resources. Setting a value returns a trappable error (error code 1101) when applied to material resources.


This example displays the range of dates that the specified resource is available for work.

Sub ShowWorkAvail()
    Dim Avail As Availability

    For Each Avail In ActiveProject.Resources("Tom").Availabilities
        MsgBox "From " & Avail.AvailableFrom & " to " & Avail.AvailableTo
    Next Avail
End Sub

Applies to | Resource Object, Resources Collection Object

See Also | Availability Object, Availabilities Collection Object | AvailableFrom Property | AvailableTo Property | AvailableUnit Property