ViewEditSingle Method

Creates, edits, or copies a single-pane view.


expression**.ViewEditSingle(Name, Create, NewName, Screen, ShowInMenu, HighlightFilter,Table, Filter, Group)**

*expression   *     Optional. An expression that returns an Application object.

Name    Optional String. The name of a single-pane view to edit, create, or copy. The default is the name of the active view.

Create    Optional Boolean. True if Project should create a new single-pane view. If NewName is Empty , the new view is given the name specified with Name. Otherwise, the new view is a copy of the view specified with Name and is given the name specified with NewName. The default value is False.

NewName    Optional String. A new name for the view specified with Name (Create is False) or a name for the new view just created (Create is True). If NewName is Empty and Create is False, the view specified with Name retains its current name. The default value is False.


pjCalendar pjResourceSheet
pjGantt pjResourceUsage
pjNetworkDiagram pjTaskDetailsForm
pjRelationshipDiagram pjTaskForm
pjResourceForm pjTaskNameForm
pjResourceGraph pjTaskSheet
pjResourceNameForm pjTaskUsage

ShowInMenu    Optional Boolean. True if the view name appears on the View menu. The default value is False.

HighlightFilter    Optional Boolean. True if Project should highlight filtered items. The default value is False.

Table    Optional String. The name of a table to display in the view. Required for a new view.

Filter    Optional String. The name of a filter to apply to the view. Required for a new view.

Group    Optional String. The name of a group to apply to the view. Required for a new view.


The following example creates a new view for tasks currently in progress and grouped by duration.

Sub DisplayMyTasks()
    ViewEditSingle Name:="My Tasks", Create:=True, _
        Screen:=pjGantt, Table:="Schedule", _
        Filter:="In Progress Tasks", Group:="Duration"
End Sub

Applies to | Application Object

See Also | ResourceViewList Property | TaskViewList Property | ViewApply Method | ViewEditCombination Method | ViewList Property | Views Method