GetPicture Method

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Returns a picture of a chart from a binary data stream.

expression.GetPicture(FilterName, Width, Height)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChartSpace object.

FilterName  Optional String. The name of the graphics filter to use. The default value is "GIF".

Width  Optional Long. The width of the chart in pixels.

Height  Optional Long. The height of the chart in pixels.


You can use the BinaryWrite method to write the picture returned by this method to the current HTTP session.


This example uses an ASP script to create a chart based on data in a SQL Server database. Once the chart has been created, an picture of the chart is displayed in the browser window.

Dim PictType
Dim NewChart
Dim chConstants

Set NewChart = CreateObject("OWC10.ChartSpace")

Response.Expires = 0 Response.Buffer = True Response.Clear

PictType = "jpg" Response.ContentType = "image/" & PictType

Set chConstants = NewChart.Constants

NewChart.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;persist Security Info=TRUE;User ID=sa;Initial " & _ "Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=servername;PASSWORD=;" NewChart.DataMember = "Order Details"

NewChart.SetData chConstants.chDimCategories, chConstants.chDataBound, "ProductID" NewChart.SetData chConstants.chDimValues, chConstants.chDataBound, "Quantity"

NewChart.Charts(0).Type = chConstants.chChartTypeColumn3D NewChart.Charts(0).HasTitle = True NewChart.Charts(0).Title.Caption = "Server-Rendered Chart"

Response.BinaryWrite NewChart.GetPicture(PictType, 500, 400) %>